Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Job Interview

Yesterday was my first ever job interview. (for a customer service representative) I was actually feeling a little bit hungry and I arrived disappointingly "just in time."

The interview went well, I answered the questions satisfactorily. (according to the HR) I was actually caught off guard. In terms of the questions, I didn't anticipate that too much emphasis would be put into my resume.

Too much means too much. I had included my online freelance writing experiences and the HR was "amazed" that's why her questions revolved around that area. I wasn't ask typical interview questions.

Although I still manage to come up with good if not great answers I was disappointed the result.

Coming from the mouth of the HR herself,

"You are good, you speak with substance, you speak with authority, a little more confidence wouldn't hurt, a little polishing would do. Overall you were excellent but I'm sorry we really don't entertain working students"

They didn't clear that matter!! Grr...

Well, I guess that's my fault. As for me, I'm confident but I did expect to fail my first few interviews and I was thinking that I'm still on the "testing the water" stage.

I did learned a lot, I'm actually better at writing than speaking.

I have another interview later this week.


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