Monday, May 3, 2010

Do you and your family still dine together?

Do you and your family still eat together?

There are some families who can't afford to do this anymore because of their busy schedules, but I think this should not happen because I think during meal time is one of the best time to gather all family members and have a talk on what's happening with each other. I think it would be much better if a family still eats together at least once a day, maybe during dinner...

When I was a child I remember to be always on time for dinner with the whole family as it was a sort of a tradition for us at home. My father was always the one to insist that we eat together. We used to discuss everything either about school, college, work and gossips. It was fun and amazing.

Later on my dad started working late and everyone had a busy schedule as they say so we no more eat together on the table. I miss those days a lot.

At my boyfriend's place I insist that we eat together because we get little time and I want to spend it together by eating and talking. It is good and nice to do this.


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