Friday, April 30, 2010

New storyline

I think many people are tired of the trial, so I am hoping that it will wind down soon allowing fresher plotlines to come to the forefront. There are a few possibilities I can see the writers leaning towards: Spencers vs. cassadines feud return. With Helena still in town, you know she can never let things stay calm for too long. Plus, whatever happened to this "step-son" that she was so afraid of the last time we saw her? I had thought it was going to be the new big bad but as soon as he was mentioned, he was forgotten. Hm.

There's also a Quartermaines uprising in Port Charles. Not only is there the newest great granddaughter in town but so is Skye. Are the writers trying to remind us that the Quartermaines is not a family to forget?

There's also probably more subtle storylines that I'm unaware of, right now, but that's just a few ideas.

they are bringing several characters back.. but that I think is the problem the show has become so stale. They keep bringing back the old charcters and rehash everything back up again, bring out a child that the parents/grandparents never knew about..bring back someone from the dead.. however they choose to "bring back" a character...they come with all the same old baggage that made the show boring and lifeless in the first place!

They need something new. New characters, new feuds, new mysteries, new reasons for Port Chuck to be on the map. Helena is the only character that I can think of that has come and gone several times and each time she comes back the storyline is a clincher.

For instance, this Mia what if she is the great granddaughter of Ed Quartermaine? Edward does nothing on the show now but a spot appearance every now an then to grumble about something. The Q's have a very small part in the show anymore, so why bring back an off spring of theirs? Why couldn't they just bring in a new doctor like they did with Patrick and Matt...those two times were pretty good storylines. But just to start a new character and just simply have them in town for the reason of relation to someone already there...where's the fun in that? PLus since the whole town is beginning to be related to each other in some form or fashion...who are they going to match the characters up with to marry and have children? They can't marry each other!

What do you think is gonna pop up or become the big draw for May?


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