Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dove "My Mini Moment" contest

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Dove Ice Cream. All opinions are 100% mine.

My mother “Amanda” is one of the hardest working single mothers that I know. As children growing up she would sacrifice her own happiness to make sure that we (her children) were taken care of. My mom is extraordinary. She took care of our grandmother when she became ill and at the same time still worked full time and provided for me and my sister.

According to a survey conducted by Dove Ice Cream Miniatures, I'm not alone! In a survey of over 400 mothers, 70 percent say they take time for themselves each day! Wahoo! It's good for your body, mind, and soul. And surprisingly, it's really good for your family too. A happy mom makes a happy family. I still believe in having a "me time". It is important for mom to have time for herself in order to recharge and rejuvenate.

Dove Ice Cream Miniatures has launched an exciting new promotion: "My Mini Moment" contest. DOVE Ice Cream is asking women to share their favorite mini moment of escape and one lucky winner could win one of 3 sensational mini-grand prizes:

• a mini-getaway to Napa Valley
• spa services for a year
• mini-home makeover

To enter, women need to submit a photo and short essay at by June 7, 2010 (include attached photo of contest microsite). I believe it’s a wonderful opportunity for all mothers out there.

There are new DOVE chocolate products that moms are sure to enjoy. Their Cafe Collection includes Java Chip and Cappuccino flavors.

Visit my sponsor: “My Mini Moment” contest


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