Friday, May 7, 2010

It was awful!!

I've just read an article about a newly wed 13-year-old girl in Yemen who died 4 days after her marriage. It was awful, I really don't know what to say or how to react on such news.

The girl was a victim of a "fixed-marriage." Four days after her marriage she was found dead due to wounds which were found around the girl's genital area.

What's more shocking is that the girl was married to a 23-year-old man.

The medical statement revealed that the girl suffered laceration to her genital area as well as excessive hemorrhaging.

This is inhuman. I really cannot understand how any parent could do such a thing with their child. Don't they have love and feelings for their own child. Ultimately it proves that social pressures are far too greater than anything else and lack of education and economic instability makes matter worse....Just imagine the plight of that poor child, how she must have suffered and died.


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