Friday, May 7, 2010


I’m 18 and I hadn’t swam since I was about 5, having being too scared as I almost drowned back then.

Today though, I went to the swimming baths and I made a massive step closer and I can sort of swim, even if not very well.

The first thing I did was just force myself to put my head under the water for a while, whilst opening my eyes and once I’d got used to that, the rest of the swimming is way easier, as there is no panic.

I can sort of float on my back and i can slowly do the breaststroke underwater, which for some reason, I find easier to do than the normal freestyle swim.

Next time I go, it should be a lot easier. The hardest step has got to be just forcing yourself to get used to leaving your head underwater. After that, it really isn’t scary at all. :)


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