Saturday, May 15, 2010

Would you let a friend use your bed/sheets if they were staying with you?

Okay, here's the scenario: I'm gonna be spending the weekend with a few friends' at their apartment. One of them is not gonna be there because he's going on a cruise with his girlfriend. Before anyone could suggest something, he made it vehemently made it clear that I cannot use his bed while he's gone. In fact, he doesn't want anyone in his room at all.

I hadn't even considered using his bed- especially thinking of all the things he and her girlfriend has probably done on that bed. However, it got me thinking and comparing his reaction to my other friends. I've known this friend since elementary school; 5th grade to be exact. Yet, I'm not allowed to use his bed while I'm spending the night. In contrast, my group of friends that I've met only a few years ago have offered me their bed, sleeping bags, etc. whenever I spend the night at their places. I guess some people are just more protective of their things than others.

What about you? Would you let a friend use your bed/sheets if they were staying with you? Especially if you're not gonna be there?


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