Saturday, May 22, 2010

'fall in love' online

Nowadays, chatting had become so popular. And people are building relationships through the internet. They talk for long hours, typing, sharing their thoughts, life, hobbies etc.. with total strangers. And beyond the distance, even if you are across the globe, on two different continents, you feel a connection, an invisible bond that makes you feel so special. Then, friendship leads to flirting, or the other way around, flirting leads to friendship. Or flirting leads to meeting each other in real life. Some say it is all lust and play. It is not Love. It can't be Love. But some even gets married and have children. They swear they have met their soul-mate, the missing piece of their heart, short true love.

I know it's possible to find true love on the internet via online chatting, emailing, etc... But how can you tell it is true love? That the feeling you are sharing is true, without pretension or alter motives?


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