Tuesday, May 25, 2010

two kinds of lie

I remember when I was a kid than my father usually told me that there are two kinds of lie. a good one, and a bad one. for long time, I can not grasp his idea of lies. if there are good lies, why is it still called lie and I know that lying is a sin. but I found out as I grow up that lie is a lie, whether it benefits you or not.

my conscience always haunts me whenever I tell lies whether a small lie or a bigger one (although the bigger one bugs me more) and hence, as much as possible, I tell the truth even if it hurts me or someone, even if he/she is a notorious liar. for me, being honest and in the side of truth is better than hiding or keeping something 9especially in a relationship).

This is my question: Does the honesty of another person have an impact of how honest you are to them? Would you be less truthful to a person who is known for being a notorious liar, or would you still treat them with an equal level of honesty?


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