Friday, May 28, 2010

Business card

Yesterday, a woman gave me her card as I left a party. I don’t think I need professional make-up, so I’m guessing she wants to meet-up.

Why don’t I have a business card? My friend Grace offered to design me one.

I am an art-handler, and I possess all the skills associated with moving, wrapping, transporting, installing and de-installing artwork. I’m very good at my job and have been receiving offers to free-lance. It would facilitate future work and be just plain professional to have a card. It’s part of my job, really.


I notice some of my friends are type of people who never listen. They usually dominate the conversation and once we want to throw new idea they always said they already knew it. Like reading the book, they only want to read the front page or summary page..They never read whole book and thinking they already know the content of the book from it..It's really hard to deal with them. More difficult if they are our boss since every time we do is always wrong. What do you think? How to deal with those people who never listen?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dove "My Mini Moment" contest

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Dove Ice Cream. All opinions are 100% mine.

My mother “Amanda” is one of the hardest working single mothers that I know. As children growing up she would sacrifice her own happiness to make sure that we (her children) were taken care of. My mom is extraordinary. She took care of our grandmother when she became ill and at the same time still worked full time and provided for me and my sister.

According to a survey conducted by Dove Ice Cream Miniatures, I'm not alone! In a survey of over 400 mothers, 70 percent say they take time for themselves each day! Wahoo! It's good for your body, mind, and soul. And surprisingly, it's really good for your family too. A happy mom makes a happy family. I still believe in having a "me time". It is important for mom to have time for herself in order to recharge and rejuvenate.

Dove Ice Cream Miniatures has launched an exciting new promotion: "My Mini Moment" contest. DOVE Ice Cream is asking women to share their favorite mini moment of escape and one lucky winner could win one of 3 sensational mini-grand prizes:

• a mini-getaway to Napa Valley
• spa services for a year
• mini-home makeover

To enter, women need to submit a photo and short essay at by June 7, 2010 (include attached photo of contest microsite). I believe it’s a wonderful opportunity for all mothers out there.

There are new DOVE chocolate products that moms are sure to enjoy. Their Cafe Collection includes Java Chip and Cappuccino flavors.

Visit my sponsor: “My Mini Moment” contest

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

two kinds of lie

I remember when I was a kid than my father usually told me that there are two kinds of lie. a good one, and a bad one. for long time, I can not grasp his idea of lies. if there are good lies, why is it still called lie and I know that lying is a sin. but I found out as I grow up that lie is a lie, whether it benefits you or not.

my conscience always haunts me whenever I tell lies whether a small lie or a bigger one (although the bigger one bugs me more) and hence, as much as possible, I tell the truth even if it hurts me or someone, even if he/she is a notorious liar. for me, being honest and in the side of truth is better than hiding or keeping something 9especially in a relationship).

This is my question: Does the honesty of another person have an impact of how honest you are to them? Would you be less truthful to a person who is known for being a notorious liar, or would you still treat them with an equal level of honesty?

How old do you need to be to be considered elderly?

I was recently thinking, and this question occured to me. Where do I draw the line before I consider a person old?

For me, it's a difficult question to answer. It appears that the older we grow ourselves, the further away we consider this line defining "old age". Is this in-denial, a way for people to avoid the fact that they are no longer as young as they would wish to be? Or is it that we just never consider ourselves to be elderly? As I'm still relatively young, this isn't a problem for me, yet when I talk to other people like relatives, that line of old age always seems to increase the older they get themselves.

Then there's the problem of physical age and mental age. I've met 70 year-olds who still act 20, and 20 year-olds who act 70. The phrase "young at heart" springs to mind here.

My question is, at what age is this elderly line for you? Beyond what age would you consider somebody to be old? And do you usually judge this based on how old they appear physically or how old they act mentally?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Year of the Mom

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of henderson bas. All opinions are 100% mine.

I really want to get my mom something nice for her birthday this year. She has been the best mother anyone could ask for and I think she deserves a little appreciation. I have been thinking about this for a few weeks, and I am pretty sure I have found the perfect gift, Delicate Necklace. I am going to the jewelry store tomorrow to look at all the options. I want to get her ones that are set in silver, with a fairly nice sized stone. I hope that she likes them, but I am sure that she will. She likes everything that I get her.

Jeez, I thought this post was going to be easy to write. I was wrong! There are just so many reasons why my mommy's better than your mommy. I'll leave you with just one more:

Mom’s give ALL kinds of great advice…..if only we LISTEN!!! My Mom, like YOURS, wanted all us kids to be happy, so… she always said: “Treat others the way you want to be treated” and “give thanks and have FAITH in God“! I think that was the BEST advice she gave me and ALL her children!

This year, Prime celebrates moms everywhere by giving away a year of FREE household services! Coz they know how important mothers are to their families, for this reason they decided to celebrate Year of the Mom by holding a contest with the grand prize a year’s worth of free household services.

CONTEST GRAND PRIZE: Two (2) Grand Prizes will be awarded. One (1) Grand Prize will be awarded from eligible entries received from Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime Provinces and One (1) Grand Prize will be awarded from eligible entries received from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Each Grand Prize consists of a twenty-five thousand dollar ($25,000) CDN cheque issued to the Grand Prize winner.

You could also instantly win 1 of 500 packages of Maple Leaf Prime chicken! Such great prizes from Maple Leaf Prime await the winners and a year of chore-less life courtesy from them, free! These household services include:

*FREE laundry
*FREE groceries and delivery
*FREE personal chef services and housekeeping.

To enter the Contest, visit Then click on the Year of the Mom Contest button and follow the on-screen instructions including entering your unique 10 digit Contest PIN Number in the required field. Once complete, click “Submit” and you will be automatically entered into the contest. Limit one (1) online entry per Contest PIN Number.

The contest begins on April 26, 2010 and concludes June 30, 2010.

Visit my sponsor: Year of the Mom

'fall in love' online

Nowadays, chatting had become so popular. And people are building relationships through the internet. They talk for long hours, typing, sharing their thoughts, life, hobbies etc.. with total strangers. And beyond the distance, even if you are across the globe, on two different continents, you feel a connection, an invisible bond that makes you feel so special. Then, friendship leads to flirting, or the other way around, flirting leads to friendship. Or flirting leads to meeting each other in real life. Some say it is all lust and play. It is not Love. It can't be Love. But some even gets married and have children. They swear they have met their soul-mate, the missing piece of their heart, short true love.

I know it's possible to find true love on the internet via online chatting, emailing, etc... But how can you tell it is true love? That the feeling you are sharing is true, without pretension or alter motives?

La Serious Griller Contest!


This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of henderson bas. All opinions are 100% mine.

Even though everyone's taste is different, I believe that Chef Michael Cloutier’s guide on how to grill the perfect steak will help anyone grill a steak that family and friends will swear is the best steak they've ever had.

Chef Michael Cloutier also provides some other quick and easy tips in the kitchen such as:

*How to make the perfect gourmet gravy
*Homemade, Healthy Jam… in under 30 minutes!
*Marinating tips for the BBQ

For me, the perfect steak (so far-my quest is far from over) is a thin-cut ribeye seasoned with Liz Lansing's Seasoning Salt, then grilled to medium well. I then dip each tender, juicy bite in a bit of Teriyaki sauce.

My girlfriend prefers a thick cut of Kansas City Strip, seasoned with something really hot-cayenne, Tabasco-then grilled to medium. The pink is still visible. She uses A-1 sauce to finish it off.

Today I invite every Canadian resident to register to La Serious Griller Contest! You could win $300 in gear from Canadian Tire and a deluxe La Grille Barbecue Seasoning Pack! Please note, the offer is open to Canadian Residents Only!

The contest begins on May 20, 2010 and ends on June 30, 2010. To enter the contest, you must be a Club Member (“Club Member”). To become a Club Member, go to, and click on the “sign me up” link and the membership form will appear. Entries can be made in English or French. Limit one entry per person or email address permitted.

Visit my sponsor: Grilling the Perfect Steak

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I feel like crap lately

I feel like crap lately, I sleep 12 hours and I`m still tired, tried sleeping less, same crap, I can`t do anything, maybe I`m lazy, I used to be an active person once but now I dunno. i have something really important to accomplish until ~20 July, I “started” some time ago, but did`t do anything, now it`s beginning to be too late, my energy is low, you people think it`s worth starting to drink coffee?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

fried food is always bad?

I just noticed its been 2 full days since i had any fried food, and it really does make me feel better. in thinking about this goal, i really need to define what “eat healthier” means, and i think it means 3 things:

-portion control
-lack of processed foods
-cooking more often

so it’s not necessarily that fried food is always bad, but just that i need to really monitor it, and eat it very sparingly. when food is fried, it should be GOOD and not processed crap!

A new Coffee Experience

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Nestle Nescafe Dolce Gusto. All opinions are 100% mine.

I want to drink more coffee but I have a disorder that is exacerbated by drinking my most favorite beverages.

Unfortunately, I have interstitial cystitis, and both the caffeine and the natural acids in coffee irritate my bladder. I get lectured to beat hell about drinking any coffee at all but if people think I’m going to give it up, they have another thing coming. Coffee is one of the only treats I can have because of all of my allergies, so anyone who wants me to give coffee up can go boil their heads.

I have an exciting contest to announce to my Canadian readers and Coffee lovers! You can enter to win a NESCAFE Dolce Gusto machine, 1 of 10 in a contest at I know we Canadians tend to think of coffee as something we get from the COFFEE SHOP, so how great would it be to have this NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto coffee machine at home? You can bring café culture into your home with NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto, a stylish, multi-coffee capsule system that redefines the way Canadians make, think and drink about coffee.

If you want your own you can pick up the Krups model for $179 at The Bay, Home Outfitters, London Drugs, Sears and fine kitchen stores across Canada. The TFAL model for $159 can be found at Wal-Mart, so you know they’re easy to find!

The contest runs from April 26, 2010 to June 24, 2010.

Visit my sponsor: Win a NESCAFE Dolce Gusto machine!

First Day Driving Experience

I just had my driving lessons done, 2 hours orientation, 33 hours actual driving and 8 hours driving lectures.

When my mom told me to enroll for driving lessons, I had no hesitations and no fear at all until I had attended the two hours orientation as prerequisite for actual driving. Because the instructor in the orientation were more of orienting us of possible accidents and most accidents some students had, rather than orienting us the proper way of driving. I understand that he was just trying to warn us, but as for me it was too much stress for the beginners, as sometimes he was exaggerating. All I could picture out in my head after the orientation were accidents. I almost didn't want to proceed anymore, but I had no choice I needed to learn to drive for future purposes.

And so I went for my first day of actual driving. Luckily, the instructor assigned for me was calm, gentle and nice. So, I felt a little better. At first of course, I had to do the pre-start routines before driving..and the basic important thing were the 3 pedals ( by the way I was driving the manual car). Of course, the usual problem with students, I got the car stalled for a lot of times before I got it to run!(Oh!I guess a lot of you could relate!)

And when I finally able to move the car back and forth, he told me that we should go around the city. I was surprised because I thought for the first day, I should be driving first in the free area. But since, I was an obedient student, I followed what he said. I was a bit nervous, but I was more focused on the road and on his instructions. But of course, I still got stalled but he was too attentive to restart the car right away not to obstruct the road. It was two hours, and during this time I couldn't feel anything yet, I just wanted to finish it very safely and smoothly. And I drove good for my first day, although of course I was allowed until gear 2 only, and the instructor told me I had the potential to learn fast. I was very glad to hear it from him, I didn't care anymore to know what was his intention of telling me that. And his comment certainly had boosted my confidence. However, after that first 2 hours of driving, when I came out from the car I felt like I was in shocked. I had this feeling that I was still in the middle of the road with the buses and cars I had around the traffic. And I felt like I was traumatized that I didn't want to come anymore for the next lessons. But again, of course I had no choice so I pursued, and I just didn't notice it I was already driving without fear at all, and I finished the 33 hours smoothly and i am proud of myself that I made it to the end. In few days, I'll get my driver's license already.

To those who are wishing to learn how to drive, be strong and focus but don't stress out. Drive smoothly and safely!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Would you let a friend use your bed/sheets if they were staying with you?

Okay, here's the scenario: I'm gonna be spending the weekend with a few friends' at their apartment. One of them is not gonna be there because he's going on a cruise with his girlfriend. Before anyone could suggest something, he made it vehemently made it clear that I cannot use his bed while he's gone. In fact, he doesn't want anyone in his room at all.

I hadn't even considered using his bed- especially thinking of all the things he and her girlfriend has probably done on that bed. However, it got me thinking and comparing his reaction to my other friends. I've known this friend since elementary school; 5th grade to be exact. Yet, I'm not allowed to use his bed while I'm spending the night. In contrast, my group of friends that I've met only a few years ago have offered me their bed, sleeping bags, etc. whenever I spend the night at their places. I guess some people are just more protective of their things than others.

What about you? Would you let a friend use your bed/sheets if they were staying with you? Especially if you're not gonna be there?

San Diego Fencing

If you looking for a high quality fences online, then you just no need to search more, just click here san diego fencing. San Diego Fence Companies is the best choice. They are a leading moving agency with expertise hand in relocation and transportation industry, they offer a comprehensive and cost-effective solution to all your relocation needs.

Since 1962 San Diego Fence Companies maintain a good relationship with the customer and installed many fences in San Diego, Riverside and Orange Counties. They are the best one in this field and they are well known as the best fencing companies in San Diego. You can get a perfect San Diego Fencing Services from them. There are plenty of samples available in online at the web site where you can get a genuine service and standard fencing. You can get all types of fencing in different colors. Some of the rare fencing like glass fencing, diamond fencing and so on available in online. There are several applications available to fit your requirements.

do you think long distance relationships work?

Do you truly think long distance relationships work? i have a friend whose boyfriend is a truck driver so they only see each other on weekends and sometimes not even every weekend. then i have a second cousin who is dating a guy who lives five states away. they have to plan vacations to see each other.

It's really difficult to keep a long distance relationship but it also the very time to test your love for each other. I think true love is not only the physical connection but the mental connection. So if two people really fall in love, they can feel each other at any places.

Do you think either relationship will really work?

Friday, May 7, 2010

It was awful!!

I've just read an article about a newly wed 13-year-old girl in Yemen who died 4 days after her marriage. It was awful, I really don't know what to say or how to react on such news.

The girl was a victim of a "fixed-marriage." Four days after her marriage she was found dead due to wounds which were found around the girl's genital area.

What's more shocking is that the girl was married to a 23-year-old man.

The medical statement revealed that the girl suffered laceration to her genital area as well as excessive hemorrhaging.

This is inhuman. I really cannot understand how any parent could do such a thing with their child. Don't they have love and feelings for their own child. Ultimately it proves that social pressures are far too greater than anything else and lack of education and economic instability makes matter worse....Just imagine the plight of that poor child, how she must have suffered and died.


I’m 18 and I hadn’t swam since I was about 5, having being too scared as I almost drowned back then.

Today though, I went to the swimming baths and I made a massive step closer and I can sort of swim, even if not very well.

The first thing I did was just force myself to put my head under the water for a while, whilst opening my eyes and once I’d got used to that, the rest of the swimming is way easier, as there is no panic.

I can sort of float on my back and i can slowly do the breaststroke underwater, which for some reason, I find easier to do than the normal freestyle swim.

Next time I go, it should be a lot easier. The hardest step has got to be just forcing yourself to get used to leaving your head underwater. After that, it really isn’t scary at all. :)

Joke of the day - Bad Day!

It got crowded in heaven so, for one day and one day only, it was decided to only accept people who had really bad day on the day they died. St. Peter was standing at the pearly gates and said to the first man, "Tellme about the day you died." The man said, "Oh, it was awful. I was sure my wife was having an affair, so I came home early to catch her with him. I searched all over the apartment but couldn't find him anywhere. So I went out onto the balcony, we live on the 25th floor, and found this man hanging over the edge by his fingertips. I went inside, got a hammer, and started hitting his hands. He fell, but landed in some bushes. So, I got the refrigerator and pushed it over the balcony and it crushed him. The strain of the act gave me a heart attack, of which I died from." St. Peter couldn't deny that this was a pretty bad day, and since it was a crime of passion, he let the man in. He then asked the next man in line about the day he died. "Well, sir, it was awful," said the second man. "I was doing aerobics on the balcony of my 26th floor apartment when I twisted my ankle and slipped over the edge. I managed to grab thebalcony of the apartment below, but some maniac came out and started pounding on my fingers with a hammer. Luckily I landed in some bushes. But, then the guy dropped a refrigerator on me!" St. Peter chuckled, let him into heaven and decided he could really start to enjoy this job. "Tell me about the day you died?” he said to the third man in line. "OK, picture this; I'm naked, hiding inside a refrigerator...."

Monday, May 3, 2010

Do you and your family still dine together?

Do you and your family still eat together?

There are some families who can't afford to do this anymore because of their busy schedules, but I think this should not happen because I think during meal time is one of the best time to gather all family members and have a talk on what's happening with each other. I think it would be much better if a family still eats together at least once a day, maybe during dinner...

When I was a child I remember to be always on time for dinner with the whole family as it was a sort of a tradition for us at home. My father was always the one to insist that we eat together. We used to discuss everything either about school, college, work and gossips. It was fun and amazing.

Later on my dad started working late and everyone had a busy schedule as they say so we no more eat together on the table. I miss those days a lot.

At my boyfriend's place I insist that we eat together because we get little time and I want to spend it together by eating and talking. It is good and nice to do this.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Job Interview

Yesterday was my first ever job interview. (for a customer service representative) I was actually feeling a little bit hungry and I arrived disappointingly "just in time."

The interview went well, I answered the questions satisfactorily. (according to the HR) I was actually caught off guard. In terms of the questions, I didn't anticipate that too much emphasis would be put into my resume.

Too much means too much. I had included my online freelance writing experiences and the HR was "amazed" that's why her questions revolved around that area. I wasn't ask typical interview questions.

Although I still manage to come up with good if not great answers I was disappointed the result.

Coming from the mouth of the HR herself,

"You are good, you speak with substance, you speak with authority, a little more confidence wouldn't hurt, a little polishing would do. Overall you were excellent but I'm sorry we really don't entertain working students"

They didn't clear that matter!! Grr...

Well, I guess that's my fault. As for me, I'm confident but I did expect to fail my first few interviews and I was thinking that I'm still on the "testing the water" stage.

I did learned a lot, I'm actually better at writing than speaking.

I have another interview later this week.