Monday, August 2, 2010

Never Stop Growing, Never Stop Learning

One never stops learning and growing. When it comes to nurturing a relationship. What are some of you favorite ways you practice to nurture a relationship with your significant other? Will love to read your views, choices and cultural practices.

This is such an extremely key element in the success of any relationship!!

Open communication where relatively anything can be said
Turn based communication: I state my case, he states his
Listening time: I state my case, no argument, he states his, no argument
Compliment each other often
Laugh in a serious situation
Say random silly things
Leave each other random notes
Don't spend every waking moment together or focused on each other
Take nothing for granted
We don't make promises - Broken promises , intentional or not, lead to negative feelings
We dont lavish each other with money or material things - This makes the occasional gift a truly special, more appreciated thing
We share our spiritual views
We both meditate regularly
We both exercise regularly - he martial arts/weights.. I do yoga and kickboxing
We compromise on simple things
We try not to dwell on the negative for long amounts of time
We are brutally honest with each other - When he thinks I'm acting like a spoiled little brat, he will say so. When I feel as if his friends are influencing him in a negative manner, I tell him. Then we discuss why we each feel that way.


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