Friday, July 30, 2010

Social Networking has changed the way world use to network

With the advent of social media, there are so many outlets (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, texting, email, the soon-to-be obsolete fax) that there is more chance to talk and not to connect face-to-face. Time magazine reported that Americans sent 110 billion text messages last year (that's billion with a b, folks!), which is double the number from the previous year.

And like a virus, it keeps growing.But even the older generation has fallen under social media's spell and has quickly joined the ranks of Facebook.

Well, being born in the information age I think I'm somewhat biased, but I absolutely love the potential that all of these social facets have for connecting people all across the globe. I think that the older generation these days has such a negative feeling towards the fact that there's less face to face contact, but my whole feeling towards the situation is that it's become such a natural part of the way we live that it's silly to talk about what's different about it compared to time past.

I'm sure older generations were outraged at the fact that people didn't talk face to face anymore when the telephone was invented. Arguing about the fact that it invites less face to face contact will not change the fact that these mediums of communication have become the norm, they will not leave any time soon.

How about you? Do you like it?


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