Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Money & Happiness

Two years ago I have a good job. Earning enough for me to enjoy life. Now for two years without work and my saving is down to almost zero balance and creditcard billing raising up. I realize how money shape our own joy and happiness in life. Believe me. You can do everything if you have money. They say money is root of all evil. I say money is our bridge to true happiness.

Because even if you are in love but you have no money its like theirs still something missing. You want to buy things that you know will make him or her happy but you can't afford. You want to buy things for your parents or children but you better save that money for things that you need. In short survival.

But know I realize. To be happy is to love what you have and do what you have.
I can live in a tree and say I'm happy. At less I still have a tree.


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