Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Good food at great prices!

Despite having a nice home made burger last night for dinner...Red Robin is sounding pretty amazing right now. I think above all I'm craving their amazing fries or a mouthwatering shake that they tend to have. However, we both know that they are famous for their burgers and they do make pretty tasty treats! I don't always order their burgers when I go there though. Last time I ate there I ordered their chicken ceaser wraps which I got many years ago and enjoyed immensely. I have ordered their burgers in the pass, and really enjoy their turkey burgers.

The only thing I have to say is that the past two times I've been there it seems like I get jipped on the endless fries! I tend to get a small handful, they don't mind bringing another round, but if they could just put a few more on the plate to begin'd be better. I think I'm just really craving fries and this topic didn't help.

Good food at great prices!


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