Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Alcohol Consumption - Can I Control it??

Today was easy. I’m not such a big drinker that I can’t go from Sunday to Thursday without alcohol. It’s nice to feel sober again, although I was a bit tired today. The problem will come in a few days, when I am fully healthy again and have forgotten how evil that hangover was. Also the real challenges will be the weekends.

I already know I am going to drink this weekend – I’m meeting this really nice girl and if she’s drinking then I can’t just sit there and have juice. It just wouldn’t feel right.

But I will definitely not go to my Friday drinks after work. I usually do that and it usually ends in disaster. Or at least a feeling of intense embarrassment on Monday morning.

So, here’s hoping I make it through the weekend without getting smashed.


Sabra said...

Good luck, but as the poster says...Slammed I Am! I'll be joining you ;)

Rolando Armano said...

Hehe Funny Lol...

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