Thursday, July 1, 2010

Exercising is said to delay aging

Start to protect your body and prepare for the aging process today, no matter what age you are. Developing good eating and exercise habits early in life will carry you through your twilight years with energy and vitality to spare. Important habits include engaging in regular exercise, eating a healthy diet and developing an active mind.

Limit your consumption of alcohol and refined carbohydrates in favor of whole grain, nutritious choices that provide your body and brain with the fuel they need to thrive. Avoid saturated fat and processed sugars as they increase your risk for heart disease and diabetes. Stay hydrated and avoid soda as it saps calcium from your body and leaves you prone to broken bones later in life. Compound the benefits of a healthy diet with at least 4 hours of exercise each week.

Recent studies have suggested that some types of exercise are more beneficial than others for cognitive ability, but all exercise is certain to lower your risk for heart disease and obesity. An active mind can be a difficult thing to quantify but generally means that you are always challenging yourself and learning new things.


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