Friday, July 23, 2010

Marriage and Procreation

The primary function of a marriage is for procreation, and marriage is exclusively between a man and a woman. Homosexuality is a lifetime choice, and is wrong. I believe this is a misinterpretation of the meaning and purpose of marriage, and almost totally opposite of the biology of the species known as human beings. This is also ignorance as to the source of homosexual behavior.

Frequently, the argument against recognizing same gender unions is that same gender unions cannot be marriages because they cannot lead to reproduction. If this were true, then couple who choose not to have children or physically cannot have children be in "real" marriage. These are situations propagation in which there can be no propagation of children, therefore these must be unnatural union. I find this reason to be faulty and offensive.

How about you guys??? Do you have something in mind that you can share???


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