Thursday, July 8, 2010

People learn from their MISTAKES!

Do you think that over the years that people learn from their mistakes or do you think that they still make the same mistakes and never learn. I think that as we get older we learn from our mistakes, I for one try not to repeat those mistakes again. I know that I learn from my mistakes and don't make them again. When I was working and I had my evaluation that was one of the positive comments from my manager. I thought that was neat.

I do make mistakes and when I redo something I know what way not to do it so try something different.

I think it depends on the person and what the mistake is. Some people keep trying till they get it right, but I guess they learned what not to do.

In order to learn from your mistake, you must recognize it as a mistake. Those who don't learn usually don't realize it was a mistake to begin with.

I have never understood why someone would go out, get drunk, have a hangover and then choose to go out and do it again! I mean, like, the first time I had a hangover, I never even wanted to smell alcohol again, much less drink it!

We are all born with our own personalities and weaknesses. Those of us who recognize our weaknesses and work to overcome them eventually will learn from our mistakes. Those who think our weaknesses are talents to be developed will never learn from our mistakes.

We are all on our own paths in this life which is why we really cannot judge others. We don't know what their weaknesses or trials are so we can't tell when they should learn from their mistakes. Sometimes it takes slamming your hand in the door fifty times to learn to keep it out of the way...other times it may take only once.


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