Friday, July 30, 2010

Social Networking has changed the way world use to network

With the advent of social media, there are so many outlets (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, texting, email, the soon-to-be obsolete fax) that there is more chance to talk and not to connect face-to-face. Time magazine reported that Americans sent 110 billion text messages last year (that's billion with a b, folks!), which is double the number from the previous year.

And like a virus, it keeps growing.But even the older generation has fallen under social media's spell and has quickly joined the ranks of Facebook.

Well, being born in the information age I think I'm somewhat biased, but I absolutely love the potential that all of these social facets have for connecting people all across the globe. I think that the older generation these days has such a negative feeling towards the fact that there's less face to face contact, but my whole feeling towards the situation is that it's become such a natural part of the way we live that it's silly to talk about what's different about it compared to time past.

I'm sure older generations were outraged at the fact that people didn't talk face to face anymore when the telephone was invented. Arguing about the fact that it invites less face to face contact will not change the fact that these mediums of communication have become the norm, they will not leave any time soon.

How about you? Do you like it?

Friday, July 23, 2010


Learn the most effective method to find the Suboxone Withdrawal treatment program you really need and want.

mobile video platform

Reach your audience where it connects. VMIX is a mobile video platform providing easy video publishing and monetization.

Marriage and Procreation

The primary function of a marriage is for procreation, and marriage is exclusively between a man and a woman. Homosexuality is a lifetime choice, and is wrong. I believe this is a misinterpretation of the meaning and purpose of marriage, and almost totally opposite of the biology of the species known as human beings. This is also ignorance as to the source of homosexual behavior.

Frequently, the argument against recognizing same gender unions is that same gender unions cannot be marriages because they cannot lead to reproduction. If this were true, then couple who choose not to have children or physically cannot have children be in "real" marriage. These are situations propagation in which there can be no propagation of children, therefore these must be unnatural union. I find this reason to be faulty and offensive.

How about you guys??? Do you have something in mind that you can share???

Thursday, July 22, 2010

ampm Secret Menu Items

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of ampm. All opinions are 100% mine.

I used to cook all the time and I was pretty good. When I lived in Spain I cooked pretty much every day, things that took hours too. Now I mostly just toss something on the grill or buy food. I guess it was easier there because I had so much time on my hands and the grocery store was practically in my building. It also helped that my apartment was only one room, so the kitchen/living room were the same place so I was always around the stove. I’m also really good at baking, but I don’t do it much anymore. I don’t know why, I think just because I’m lazy. Well, I want to start cooking more again, it’s relaxing and the food’s way better than what I’ve been eating.

Anyway, have you seen the new secret menu tab on Facebook page of ampm? I was able to see the menu and WOW, everything was mouth-watering! And my early favorites are the Tower of Torta, Towering Inferno, The Chili Conquistador and the very delicious Hot Chihuahua.

If you plan to cook food for your family today then you should check out the list of ampm Secret Menu items on the secret menu tab on their Facebook page. The items listed in the secret menu are very delicious and tempting; you should try it out yourself and leave your feedback for the same. There are new Yums coming out 7/26, 8/2, 8/9, 8/16, 8/30, so keep your eyes open for them.

There is also another thing you need to check out and participate on August 2nd people can create their own ampm secret menu concoctions right on Facebook.

Visit my sponsor: ampm Secret Menu Items

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I am definitely a persevering person

I consider myself as a persevering person ,I can prove it through my failures that i always learn and face any obstacles that every now and then exist my way. Even how many times I got failed but I never let myself discourage because I believe that success does not comes suddenly or without any setback.

Everything I have, or have lost, I have had to fight for. Nothing seams to go the way I plan and I do not get any breaks. I am fortunate in serveral ways. I do have good health and I do have great family and firends. These I am greatly thankful for. It is in my employment, life goals, financial situation and personal plans that I do not seam to get any breaks. I watch friends that have many of these plans in order and going well have additional benefits land in their laps, many times without them trying at all. I also see slumlord that have illegal apartments and treat their tenants like crap get away with tons of things that me as a landlord, that tried to live by the rules, get away with.

I know it will all work out in the end and eventually all the perseverance will pay off. I also know that it is through these problems that I grow as a person. Sometimes it is harder than others but I know I will make it through.

what can you share about this matter?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Great way to gain an education at the leisure of your own home

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Ashworth College. All opinions are 100% mine.

If you want more letters behind your name and a schedule tailored to suit your needs then one place to consider is Ashworth College. This online university is rated highly by reviewers for several reasons, including flexible hours, a great staff, and low tuition and fees.

Ashworth College offers convenience more than anything, and this is echoed by comments from reviewers like “Ashworth Has made it Easier to Work Full Time and Get a Degree”. This convenience and many other positive qualities make Ashworth College a very good Colleges or University for the busy professional who wants to further his/her education.

This virtual university is known for its large number of course offerings and large number of degrees available. Stay at home Mom's or working adults can choose from more than 100+ nationally accredited career diplomas, an Associate Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree and Certificate programs for today's most popular careers, including: Bridal Consulting, Web Design, Interior Decorating, Marketing, Early Childhood Education, Medical Billing, Human Resources and so much more.

Since the Ashworth College is an internet based school, there is no need to go to class on a university campus, making it a good alternative to traditional schooling for busy professionals.

When looking for an Online degree, there is no need to look any further than Ashworth College. As it turns out, research shows Ashworth tuition is 50% less than the average accredited online school. This is the most important thing about online colleges, that they are accredited and your degree will be worth the paper it is written on.

Visit my sponsor: While the kids are away

Nap Time Rocks!

For the longest I can remember I have totally forgotten that there is this thing called nap. Lol.

I guess I've been really busy working but today I just felt too tired my eyes hurt, my hands hurt, my back hurt. Gosh... So, I turned on the sleepy channel (It's a channel I turned on so i can fall asleep) and in a few seconds I'm in dreamland. 3 hours later I feel refreshed and ready to go back to work.

Have you taken your afternoon nap lately?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Self Storage for your household and business

Los Angeles Self Storage, the easiest way to store your belongings!

Acquiring Easy Scholarships

Summer break is one of the most exciting times for anyone attending school. Particularly those who will be heading off to college after their senior year of high school are to start the route of looking for easy scholarships

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Facing Changes In Your Life

One grows into the concept of independence, before long must be on his/ her own, meantime your parents, of course continue to age. One day your parents are much older and your independence maybe is not a priority for either nostalgic reasons or economic reasons. So you either have your parents move in with you or you move to live with your parents.

How do you feel about that type of change in your life? Do you care if society brands you if you are too old to live with your parents? Would you make that move to enjoy your parents those final years of their lives? what is your feeling on the subject?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Share Your Ville

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Johnsonville Sausage. All opinions are 100% mine.

July is all about fun, grilling and spending time with friends and family. Now, what are you going to throw on the Barbecue for some good eats? I was sent a really cool grilling package from Johnsonville and my mom has really enjoyed grilling their brats. Grilling is a summer tradition here in my home and Johnsonville Brats are a definite must.

I just heard about the cool “Share Your Ville” Video Contest, and of course my mom and I created a short, fun video to show our love of Johnsonville Brats!

They have some really cool prizes to give away so you don’t want to miss this opportunity to catch yourself some cool summer prizes and cash. 5 winners will share $21,000 in CASH and Prizes from Gander Mountain, Coleman, and Hefty in the Johnsonville "Share Your Ville" Video Contest at Winner of the Professional Category receives $10,000 cash!

NOW HURRY! The Contest runs until July 20th 2010. And let me add the best part! The first 50 videos automatically receive a coupon for FREE Johnsonville products!

Just go to here’s the first one you will need, “This Week’s Johnsonville GRILLVILLE Secret Code Word is BRATS”. There’s $2500 of cash on the line so get in on it and enter. Make sure to check back here weekly for more code words.

Visit my sponsor: Share Your Ville

how to be more organized

I actually attempted internet research on how to better organize my home, and it was mostly useless for me. My space was either too small, the ideas too expensive, or just unappealing. The only tip I really picked up to use was the idea to organize my books alphabetically, which seems much less overwhelming than by type/genre, because then I’d have to pull them all down and figure out which categories they go in, and then I’d spend about ten months trying to figure out which categories the overlapping ones would go in, because that’s so something I would waste way too much time on.

I guess there’s really two ways that this can apply to me: keeping my stuff organized by staying clean and having a system, and keeping my events organized and planned so that I know what’s going on.

For the second one, I use a combination of Remember The Milk for tasks complete with location updates when there are nearby tasks, Everynote for serious note-taking and scrap-booking from the web, delicious for keeping bookmarks synced across computers, and google calendar (everything) to keep me up to date on what things are taking place when. It’s a pretty efficient system…unfortunately, it’s not exactly the organization that’s dragging me down as much as it is the procrastination. Maybe I should add that to my list of things I want to accomplish…to stop procrastinating.

"Best" Dog Food

Choose the best dog food. The best way to keep a healthy, happy dog is to feed it right.

Friday, July 9, 2010

If I don't write to empty my mind, I go mad

The power of the pen has been known for years. In the 1800s Lord Byron wrote, "If I don't write to empty my mind, I go mad." Diaries and journals have been kept for centuries. Some psychologists helped clients to heal psychologically by writing about their life experiences. Writing as a therapeutic outlet continues today to offer healing and solace for those willing to delve into their own psyche. In the Academy Award nominated movie "Precious," an abused 16-year-old sorts through her life's trauma at the urging of a teacher to write down her pain, feelings and abuse. Based on the novel "Push" by Sapphire, "Precious" wields a heart-wrenching truthful conclusion: writing nourishes the soul and powers from within. It is a good habit to keep writing, especially when you feel bad and can not say to other people. You can write down your feeling, later you can feel better.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Get Your Masters in Teaching from USC

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of USC. All opinions are 100% mine.

For all practical purposes, a career in the field of Education & Teaching is one of the most rewarding endeavors a person can pursue, because everyone remembers a good teacher.

Thanks to today’s technology and, specifically, the internet, earning a masters degree online is a viable option that any prospective online masters degree student should seriously consider.

For an aspiring teacher and current educators, one has an amazing array of careers right at your fingertips because education is one of the largest industries in the US. Getting an education degree online is now easier than ever before. If you'd like to get started in a very challenging yet rewarding education career or if you just want to advance your current career position, you're only a mouse click away.

The USC Rossier School of Education’s MAT@USC offers current educators and aspiring teachers the prestige of earning a Master of Arts in Teaching degree from an elite research university with the convenience and flexibility of studying online.

USC Rossier School offers highly interactive online learning combined with field-based experiences. They offer a groundbreaking tuition reimbursement and scholarship program to help you achieve your goal of a Master of Arts in Teaching. Their accelerated program you can complete in as little as 12 months after which time you will have the opportunity to become a part of the elite USC Trojan Family.

Should you be considering this particular, I highly recommend you get more details about the program information.

Visit my sponsor: Master of Arts in Teaching degree online from USC

People learn from their MISTAKES!

Do you think that over the years that people learn from their mistakes or do you think that they still make the same mistakes and never learn. I think that as we get older we learn from our mistakes, I for one try not to repeat those mistakes again. I know that I learn from my mistakes and don't make them again. When I was working and I had my evaluation that was one of the positive comments from my manager. I thought that was neat.

I do make mistakes and when I redo something I know what way not to do it so try something different.

I think it depends on the person and what the mistake is. Some people keep trying till they get it right, but I guess they learned what not to do.

In order to learn from your mistake, you must recognize it as a mistake. Those who don't learn usually don't realize it was a mistake to begin with.

I have never understood why someone would go out, get drunk, have a hangover and then choose to go out and do it again! I mean, like, the first time I had a hangover, I never even wanted to smell alcohol again, much less drink it!

We are all born with our own personalities and weaknesses. Those of us who recognize our weaknesses and work to overcome them eventually will learn from our mistakes. Those who think our weaknesses are talents to be developed will never learn from our mistakes.

We are all on our own paths in this life which is why we really cannot judge others. We don't know what their weaknesses or trials are so we can't tell when they should learn from their mistakes. Sometimes it takes slamming your hand in the door fifty times to learn to keep it out of the way...other times it may take only once.

Make Gift Buying Easy with FriendGiftr

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of FriendGiftr. All opinions are 100% mine.

In today’s world kids have become so picky that we hardly know what to get them. So giving a FriendGiftr Gift Card makes giving a gift easy. No more waiting in long lines to return a sweater that doesn’t fit or that Jerry doesn’t like or even want? With a gift card you just put an amount of cash on it say $10 or so and they can go pick out what they want. This makes your life a little easier since you don’t have to fret over getting that perfect gift anymore.

I think FriendGiftr Gift Cards are awesome. What makes this even more awesome is the fact that if someone does not like their card, no problem they can change it at no cost and without anyone even knowing, no hurt feelings to deal with!

FriendGiftr users are able to buy and send real digital and/or physical gift cards to friends, family, and associates for the holidays, birthdays and other special occasions. That's right, buyers can select from over 120 of their favorite merchants buy $10, $20, $25, $35, $50, $75, and $100 gift cards. Retailers included at FriendGiftr include Macy's, the Gap, Chili's, Barnes & Noble, H&M, bloomingdales, and much more. Considering my family's needs, and that of most families, a gift card to Macy's, which carries apparel for the whole family, make-up, housewares, accessories and shoes, furniture, and more would be incredibly useful to almost anyone, and allows the recipient to get exactly what they want.

Overall I think the concept is great. So the next time someone you know has a birthday try giving the gift that won’t get returned, a FriendGiftr gift card.

Just head on over to Friendgiftr to check out what other Gift Cards they have!

Visit my sponsor: America's Favorite Gift Cards

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I am grateful

I was grateful with my family and friends, my son and of course, God when I had my "moment" (disastrous moment, i mean) it was like a bond that keeps me from going under.. so to speak..

I bounced back, with God's grace and now back on the right track. Happy and though there are rough times (who says, life would be easy) i glide and bent just like a bamboo tree..

This is my sort of paying back to my loved ones, and Almighty God for all the comforting and love..

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Rock Climbing

In this day and age, the Rock Climbing Gear s that you may be using have been much superior and are able to make confident that anything gear you use will be able to hold out your weight in all conditions, and will also hold out limits of pressure.

One of the most detectable aspects in performing rock climbing is that it comes with risks, enjoyment, and it’s considered by some as an extreme sport.

Exercising is said to delay aging

Start to protect your body and prepare for the aging process today, no matter what age you are. Developing good eating and exercise habits early in life will carry you through your twilight years with energy and vitality to spare. Important habits include engaging in regular exercise, eating a healthy diet and developing an active mind.

Limit your consumption of alcohol and refined carbohydrates in favor of whole grain, nutritious choices that provide your body and brain with the fuel they need to thrive. Avoid saturated fat and processed sugars as they increase your risk for heart disease and diabetes. Stay hydrated and avoid soda as it saps calcium from your body and leaves you prone to broken bones later in life. Compound the benefits of a healthy diet with at least 4 hours of exercise each week.

Recent studies have suggested that some types of exercise are more beneficial than others for cognitive ability, but all exercise is certain to lower your risk for heart disease and obesity. An active mind can be a difficult thing to quantify but generally means that you are always challenging yourself and learning new things.