Friday, June 18, 2010

small breed dog food

I have been cooking gourmet dog food for my 3 year old Boxer since day one. In the proposed recipe the suggestion that green vegetables, especially peas, be used in dog food makes me uneasy. I did a lot of research into cooking for my dog and found several articles which said peas are poisonous to dogs. I normally boil a combination of chicken gizzard, chicken liver, either chicken breast or turkey along with a either a handful of rice or one shredded carrot or one shredded potato. I try to feed her (she is 60 pounds) a one pound meal, twice per day. I usually cook each meal fresh but will sometimes make a double portion at dinner so that the next morning breakfast is ready (if I need to leave for work early). Along with moderate exercise she is trim and very healthy. As a treat I sometimes add one can of sardines to her food (don't cook the sardines). She loves sardines so I mix them well with the other.


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