Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Deduplication without Slowing Backup Speed

SEPATON’s ContentAware™, scalable solution delivers global deduplication for large data volumes without slowing performance. Control data growth, maintain backup windows and significantly lengthen online retention times for incredibly fast restores and much easier data access – not to mention how much data center space and power you’ll save.

What is a Data Set?

A Data Set contains information about a set of people. It is what users commonly think of as a "file" in most genealogy programs. Each Data Set can contain any number of people, which may be related by parent/child links, marriage, or not at all.

You might want a second Data Set in a Project to compare them, or to copy people from one to the other. But note that the people in one Data Set cannot be linked in any way to those in the other Data Set.

When you have more than one Data Set in a Project, you can: Deduplicate only the data sets and data types that you choose


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