Sunday, March 14, 2010

Video game addict

I consider myself a gamer but not probably one that could have made records, just the typical video game addict once upon a time.I play Role playing games now mostly, and by mostly meaning just around once a week because I barely have the time to play now or maybe I just lost interest. I used to play versus fighting games and was considerably good at it, console and arcade. I played Tekken and can proudly say I play it good, in playstation1, that was Tekken 3. Now I still have my Playstation 2 console with me and all Tekken games(tekken 4, tag, 5) available for that console is in my hard disk, as my console is modded to play via hard disk drive and occasionally I play against my younger brothers and cousins. I just realized that I still got the moves, and really still good at Tekken 5

So how about you?Any video games you used to play good when you were young and could still play it good now?


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