Monday, March 22, 2010

I continue to keep a positive frame of mind and believe that this won't last long.

I learned that the enemy wants us to concentrate our thoughts on things that will encourage depression, misery, and unhappiness. God already told us that He wouldn't put more on us than we can bear. I focus on that belief each and every day with a renewed hope every time I wake up each morning. One can only live a day at a time, and if a person's problems involve finances such as bills and credit issues, just know that I used to be a collection agent (oh, the irony)and all they want is for a customer to be sensitive to their obligations and to negotiate with them on handling the account; at least let them know something.

Don't stress because stress kills and shorten life span. Also it won't solve anything. This message was written from the opinion and experience of a human being. In other words, I'm just being real. I don't stress myself anymore because I learned to take on what I can and to be patient with the rest. I worked out deals with my creditors, letting them know my situation and that I intend on taking care of my debts by making small payments that I can afford. I can now see a light in the mist of all this darkness.

Oh yeah, last thing, last thing, last thing,:D God is a jealous God and because we all belong to Him, whenever something else has our attention and is keeping us from acknowledging Him, He responds by trying to get our attention one way or the other. I say this because I had once decided I would live a life without God.... and uh, it didn't quite work out.


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