Monday, March 22, 2010

Inspiration vs Motivation... Is there a Difference?

Although these two words are sometimes interchanged, do you think there is a difference between the two?

I think there is still a difference. Some times we have a lot of inspiration to do things; I think this more of an emotional feeling. Like we can be inspired to do something because our love one is also doing it or we want to please someone. While motivation is the drive to do the work. Yes we can be inspired to do something because of the love one, but are we motivated enough to do it.

For example, posting in a blog. We have the inspiration to do this, like we do this to practice our writing skills, earn some money and in the end spend the hard earned money with our loved ones. But our motivation is low, because of the low quality of discussion that we find here, or maybe we are too tired to spend time in front of the computer. Or our motivation is high because its fun posting here, we learn from the different discussion and we get along with other members.

Do you find the same true with motivation and inspiration? Or do you think they are just the same? Do share your opinions; I'd love to hear them.

I hope I was able to say what I mean, and you were able to understand it. haha


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