Monday, March 22, 2010

Plan to Change the World

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of SEO 5 Consulting. All opinions are 100% mine.

Ever since I was a teenager I have had a heart for helping other people. As time went on, I did a lot of "preaching" values to other people surrounding the subject. I remember that my brother in law came over and commented on a purse that he had just bought that cost $250. I couldn't help myself. I gave him a lecture about it. I told him that there is no reason ANYONE needs to spend $250 on a purse. That he needed to return that purse and send that money to a starving child in another country. For years I have looked down at Canada's insane consumerism, lamenting to myself that the ridiculous amounts we spend could be put to better use helping others. But you know what? I NEVER did anything about my talk. I got really good at preaching and really bad at taking my own advice.

I definitely believe that we should re-invest in our own communities, but we should also recognize the urgent needs of people all around the globe, particularly those who live in some of the poorest regions in the world.

Did you know that every day, in the poorest regions of the world, 25,000 children under 5 die? They die because they lack access to things we take for granted – clean water, sanitation, medicine, and food.

Plan Canada provides the children with food, education, health and spiritual care, sport and recreation activities, and operates regardless of a child’s religion, race, ethnicity or gender. Many of the children in their child sponsorship program are AIDS orphans or come from families suffering poverty and illness, unable to support and care for their children.

If you feel that you are blessed and want to share your blessings then you may consider sponsor a child. By sponsoring a child, you can help an entire community of children leave poverty behind.

Visit my sponsor: Plan to Change the World


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