Monday, March 22, 2010

The advantages/disadantages of credit cards.

Everyone who’s at legal age can acquire credit cards as long as they have supporting paperwork which will show his/her financial status. They are extremely easy to use and millions of stores accept them. But remember also that there are advantages and disadvantages of credit cards.

The advantage of having a credit card is that. You have the ability to immediately get cash in case of emergency.

The best way to use credit cards was the ability for you to use it in your online shopping activities. But, there are some people can’t control themselves in too much spending which causes them of so much debt. When you spend beyond your means, you are facing a lot of trouble. By nature, we have lots of material wants and needs that we have to satisfy; so we always say when I finally buy this, I will stop buying already, but we never do. Before you know it, when the small and big amounts are summed up, we end up with a whopping credit card bill which could be mind- boggling.


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