Monday, March 22, 2010

Start your own business

A moment ago, I came across about the website which helps you to set up your own business.

Incparadise will take you in the excellent, successful business. All kinds of business details offer by them. Especially a top level business of business world that is real estate business details recommend by them in a good manner.

If a right business is what you wish for then you have some choices to make. Mostly, the Registered Agent is the place and person within the State’s physical authority on who service of process can be completed. If you’re planning on doing this yourself, there are some steps that you will need to take note of, being sure to double check each step along the way, for the road can sometimes a bit amazing and risky at times.

Black is Beautiful

Each and every women has the dream to be beautiful. Even the dark complex want to be fair enough so that men looks at them. But there is a beauty in black women also. Why one has to be fair to attract the men towards them? It is their behavior and mildness with well maintain figure many times can make the men attracted towards them.

The Crustini “Game Day”

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of henderson bas. All opinions are 100% mine.

Among all the sports out there, foot ball is my favorite! And if you love football, listen up because you might be the lucky winner to Bistro Crustini's Game Day contest where you could win a prize package to the Superbowl in Las Vegas complete with air tickets, transportation (chauffeured limousine) spending cash money of $1,500 and, free (five days) four nights stay at a deluxe hotel.

This is perfect for those football lovers who want to catch the game live! The contest will run until March 31, 2010 and is open for all Canadian residents only! So for all Canadian Football Lovers, this is your chance to win a trip for two to Las Vegas and watch the Big Game live by simply logging on to and enter the UPC code from any participating Nestlé Bistro Crustini product including:
Bistro Crustini Philly-Style Steak and Cheese (2 x 128 g)
Bistro Crustini Meatballs & Mozzarella (2 x 128 g)
Bistro Crustini Pepperoni (2 x 128 g)
Bistro Crustini Barbecue Chicken (2 x 128 g)
Bistro Crustini Italian 5 Cheese (2 x 128 g)
Bistro Crustini Chicken Alfredo (2 x 128 g)
Bistro Crustini Chicken, Broccoli and Cheddar (2 x 128 g)
Bistro Crustini Turkey Bacon Club (2 x 128 g)
Bistro Crustini Philly-Style Steak and Cheese – 9 PACK (9/1.15 kg)
Bistro Crustini Italian 5 Cheese – 9 PACK (9/1.15 kg)
Bistro Crustini Chicken Parmesan Light (2 x 128 g)
Bistro Crustini Chicken Fajita Light (2 x 128 g)
Bistro Crustini Cheddar Club Melt Light (2 x 128 g)

Other up-for-grabs secondary prizes are one (1) out of three (3) home theater systems and a weekly prize of a digital camera. Entering the UPC codes on specially marked Bistro Crustini products will automatically qualify you for instant win on the contest.

Visit my sponsor:

Inspiration vs Motivation... Is there a Difference?

Although these two words are sometimes interchanged, do you think there is a difference between the two?

I think there is still a difference. Some times we have a lot of inspiration to do things; I think this more of an emotional feeling. Like we can be inspired to do something because our love one is also doing it or we want to please someone. While motivation is the drive to do the work. Yes we can be inspired to do something because of the love one, but are we motivated enough to do it.

For example, posting in a blog. We have the inspiration to do this, like we do this to practice our writing skills, earn some money and in the end spend the hard earned money with our loved ones. But our motivation is low, because of the low quality of discussion that we find here, or maybe we are too tired to spend time in front of the computer. Or our motivation is high because its fun posting here, we learn from the different discussion and we get along with other members.

Do you find the same true with motivation and inspiration? Or do you think they are just the same? Do share your opinions; I'd love to hear them.

I hope I was able to say what I mean, and you were able to understand it. haha

Plan to Change the World

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of SEO 5 Consulting. All opinions are 100% mine.

Ever since I was a teenager I have had a heart for helping other people. As time went on, I did a lot of "preaching" values to other people surrounding the subject. I remember that my brother in law came over and commented on a purse that he had just bought that cost $250. I couldn't help myself. I gave him a lecture about it. I told him that there is no reason ANYONE needs to spend $250 on a purse. That he needed to return that purse and send that money to a starving child in another country. For years I have looked down at Canada's insane consumerism, lamenting to myself that the ridiculous amounts we spend could be put to better use helping others. But you know what? I NEVER did anything about my talk. I got really good at preaching and really bad at taking my own advice.

I definitely believe that we should re-invest in our own communities, but we should also recognize the urgent needs of people all around the globe, particularly those who live in some of the poorest regions in the world.

Did you know that every day, in the poorest regions of the world, 25,000 children under 5 die? They die because they lack access to things we take for granted – clean water, sanitation, medicine, and food.

Plan Canada provides the children with food, education, health and spiritual care, sport and recreation activities, and operates regardless of a child’s religion, race, ethnicity or gender. Many of the children in their child sponsorship program are AIDS orphans or come from families suffering poverty and illness, unable to support and care for their children.

If you feel that you are blessed and want to share your blessings then you may consider sponsor a child. By sponsoring a child, you can help an entire community of children leave poverty behind.

Visit my sponsor: Plan to Change the World

I continue to keep a positive frame of mind and believe that this won't last long.

I learned that the enemy wants us to concentrate our thoughts on things that will encourage depression, misery, and unhappiness. God already told us that He wouldn't put more on us than we can bear. I focus on that belief each and every day with a renewed hope every time I wake up each morning. One can only live a day at a time, and if a person's problems involve finances such as bills and credit issues, just know that I used to be a collection agent (oh, the irony)and all they want is for a customer to be sensitive to their obligations and to negotiate with them on handling the account; at least let them know something.

Don't stress because stress kills and shorten life span. Also it won't solve anything. This message was written from the opinion and experience of a human being. In other words, I'm just being real. I don't stress myself anymore because I learned to take on what I can and to be patient with the rest. I worked out deals with my creditors, letting them know my situation and that I intend on taking care of my debts by making small payments that I can afford. I can now see a light in the mist of all this darkness.

Oh yeah, last thing, last thing, last thing,:D God is a jealous God and because we all belong to Him, whenever something else has our attention and is keeping us from acknowledging Him, He responds by trying to get our attention one way or the other. I say this because I had once decided I would live a life without God.... and uh, it didn't quite work out.


There are lots of websites about funbrain games are existing in the internet so click the related site and play.

The player is presented with a set of alphabets in the Brain Crunch, from which he has to type as many words as practical. You can play games online at the website, so you do not need to download the game from the Internet, which is only going to spend your hard disk space. In addition you can also save your game results on the website, so you can continue again in other time. You live to register and to log in when you want to play a game.

This will help them explore new games at the site and they’ll be more active in exploring the computer too.

Ugly Penmanship

I have no plans of trying to improve my penmanship but I do know people have this perception about you if they saw your penmanship, a 2nd grader kid have a better penmanship than I am. There was times were I was insecure with my penmanship that I tried practicing, but now.... I rather type than take notes...with a pen or paper. How do you feel about your own hand writing? Did someone ever insult your penmanship?

The advantages/disadantages of credit cards.

Everyone who’s at legal age can acquire credit cards as long as they have supporting paperwork which will show his/her financial status. They are extremely easy to use and millions of stores accept them. But remember also that there are advantages and disadvantages of credit cards.

The advantage of having a credit card is that. You have the ability to immediately get cash in case of emergency.

The best way to use credit cards was the ability for you to use it in your online shopping activities. But, there are some people can’t control themselves in too much spending which causes them of so much debt. When you spend beyond your means, you are facing a lot of trouble. By nature, we have lots of material wants and needs that we have to satisfy; so we always say when I finally buy this, I will stop buying already, but we never do. Before you know it, when the small and big amounts are summed up, we end up with a whopping credit card bill which could be mind- boggling.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Why do some people marry some stranger or the person they didn't know in exchange of good life/money??

Sunday, March 14, 2010

PopStation Contest

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Popstation. All opinions are 100% mine.

Always dream of becoming a famous Singer, or joining a band? Perhaps you don't believe you can achieve this, so you'd like to refresh your singing techniques. Moreover, it is achievable for anyone to be a well-known singer if they know about a cool contest going on at PopStation – yes! PopStation can turn those dreams into realities if you are eager to work at it. PopStation is an online music and entertainment singing experience, where everyone has a chance to sing his own way to the top of The Charts and qualify for an Album Deal. Who knows, maybe you can win? The registration is free, so you don't need to spend your money just to be a part of the contest.

Singing well isn't difficult, but singing with the style that gets you noticed in the PopStation contest takes practice and dedication. Warm up your voice, then log on to PopStation where you can enter various practice rooms to perfect your skills. As registered members, the entrants will be able to select songs from the web page, where new songs are released from Monday to Thursday (M: Hip Hop and R&B, T: Country, W: Pop, Th: Rock) and are available in the practice rooms for two weeks so that the contestants are able to practice the songs. Songs will get voted by the Popstation audience – no celebrity judges or panels. Contestants are also encouraged to show creativity and originality when recording the songs that are selected to be entered into contest.

Visit my sponsor: PopStation Contest

Video game addict

I consider myself a gamer but not probably one that could have made records, just the typical video game addict once upon a time.I play Role playing games now mostly, and by mostly meaning just around once a week because I barely have the time to play now or maybe I just lost interest. I used to play versus fighting games and was considerably good at it, console and arcade. I played Tekken and can proudly say I play it good, in playstation1, that was Tekken 3. Now I still have my Playstation 2 console with me and all Tekken games(tekken 4, tag, 5) available for that console is in my hard disk, as my console is modded to play via hard disk drive and occasionally I play against my younger brothers and cousins. I just realized that I still got the moves, and really still good at Tekken 5

So how about you?Any video games you used to play good when you were young and could still play it good now?

I'm always hungry

I wake up and I eat! I go to school and I eat! During class I eat! After school I eat! Dinner time -- eat! Desert -- eat! Maybe it's because I'm a teenager, but I feel like I'm always hungry! Anyone else out there love to eat??

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Often Overlooked Gem

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Charter. All opinions are 100% mine.

The Internet has brought many everyday conveniences closer to home, and movies are no different. Some of us may be interested in watching the religious programs, sports and serials. It will be horrible if we miss out those shows. It’s a real pain when I come home ten minutes before the show ends. Luckily, I came across a Website today which gives a solution for this problem. You can learn more at and watch your favorite series directly on the computer when you’re relaxed instead of too busy to sit down. It provides anytime access to favorite cable shows, kid’s favorites, music, movies and series that you may have missed. It is also called Video On Demand because you can pause and stop the show like a video. There are over 6,000 movies and shows to watch anytime you want. If you're busy, and it’s hard to get in the car and get a movie, who has time to wait for the dvd in the mail? Having this service at your fingertips is much easier. Also the programs for each day are scheduled in the Website which makes us easy for picking our desired shows.

Don’t worry about missing your favorite programs live, you have to help you. If you’re into Facebook you can get updates and fun extras on Charter’s Facebook page. It’s another way to keep on what’s in and what’s out.

Visit my sponsor: Often Overlooked Gem

Amy Africa's New QLOG

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Eight By Eight. All opinions are 100% mine.

When you write articles for the Internet, for the use of article marketing or for content for your website, you will sooner or later run out of original ways of discussion about the similar subject and will need motivation to find ideas for additional topics. As your ideas reduce your creativity may also take a hit. However, the minute you land on Amy Africa's QLOG at, you become conscious why she stands out in a crowd. She's an expert in Internet marketing and an extraordinary storyteller who connects with her audience.

The site also hosts a ton of free tips that you can use to increase your web sales today. She has topic categories with topics like Email Marketing, SEO/SEM, Analytics and other advertising and marketing topics. These are really remarkable if you share some form of interest in that field. The QLOG is not that old but it seems to be breaking some ground. While it is still fairly new, its will continually grow as more posts are added each week by Amy.

You are also welcome to submit your Internet marketing question, which will be answered by Amy and the audience on the QLOG itself. Amy Africa, is a member of a usability group that regularly reviews performance results from hundreds of companies. She keeps side by side of the latest trends in ecommerce, making her an invaluable Internet marketing resource.

You should check out if you are interested.

Visit my sponsor: Promote Amy Africa's New QLOG

Love is blind

People always say that love is blind. Because of your love to a person you can't see his faults ( i mean you see it but take no action to correct it) and afraid that if you try to correct it, you will be misunderstood, you better leave it the way it is than loss the person. is this right?

For me, love is not blind.. if you said that love is blind, then you are not probably in love to someone.. they said that love is blind because they said that when you love someone, you does not look anything from them; either there looks, age, morals, personality, etc.. but its wrong.. if your partner or love ones committed something wrong or doing or practicing something, are you going to be like a blind person who does not even look for your love ones mistake? is not you going to correct them? or you simply pretend? If you correct your love ones. then you really love them because you want that he/she will not be doing it again

Allison Maslan's book Blast Off!

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Allison Maslan, author of "Blast Off!". All opinions are 100% mine.

Many have discovered Allison Maslan's book Blast Off! helpful in captivating one’s own personal and professional life back on track. Maslan is an acclaimed life/business strategist that desires to help others to take charge of their lives at some point in these troubled times. In her book Blast Off! Allison Maslan shares her secrets of prosperity as well as provides her readers the tools needed to reach their own life goals. You can get powerful and inspiring software which is available to help you reach your potential. Allison also shares her success and her own personal failures in life as a 25 year entrepreneur.

I find this book very appropriate and motivational and I, myself probably need this wonderful book as I do not know what else to do with my life right now. You should explore Allison Maslan’s new book. This book has just been released on January 19th and only costs $24.00 with some great business information. This book is available on Amazon. I think this book could help me to set goals in my career. Allison has coached thousands of people to new life changing careers, and she can help you do the same. This book will help you create a business from your hobby, tap into your originality to build up a winning idea, discover business opportunities, and to create your own business. This is not just about climbing the corporate ladder, she can help you in your spirituality, health, finances, career goals, business ideas, and relationships, personal life and feelings, and how you interact with others.

So what are you waiting for? You should get a copy for yourself. I look forward to applying her techniques to my own future endeavors.

Visit my sponsor: Blast Off!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Musical instruments

I would like to know what musical instruments do you play. Five years ago I bought a guitar (acoustic) at a yard sale. I learned to play it some, then took lessons also. I learned the basics. I started hanging' out with some guitar players, especially one I dated and it taught me more. I learned to play in a group by first sitting in the hind scenes and learning to change cords when they did. I was slower than they, but got better as time went by. Later I met a guy who could play the heck out of a guitar and sing. I used to sit and listen to him from five in the evening till two or three in the morning.

I learned to play a piano when I was about 17. I took some lessons, and so did my girlfriend. We enjoyed playing and singing together.

I still have my second guitar that I've had for six years. Yamaha. I bought it from a guy for $200, because he wanted to buy a new one for $400. After he got the new one, he said he would have rather kept the one he sold me.

I have an antique beautiful hand-carved piano, cherry. Also have a keyboard.

I also play a harmonica. Only been playing for a couple years. Pretty good at it.

I used to play a 12 string banjo, but I gave it away to a very special friend of mine with a terminal disease.

What musical instrument or instruments do you play? Maybe when you was a child you play some musical instrument, and when you get older you stopped it? Maybe you want to learn some musical instrument or instruments, if yes then please say what musical instrument or instruments you want to learn.

Sunday, March 7, 2010 Personal Edition

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Learn dot com. All opinions are 100% mine.

I started thinking what I am good at and what in the world wouldn't make me get bored if I do it all my life. I have been studying and working in different companies and in different positions, still I don’t know what I want to do. I want to feel it has a meaning, motivated and inspired. Or maybe it’s just the way it is. I think I am on the way at least as this was something I promised myself last year. I thought about what I like in life and what kind of company would suit me. So this year I started looking to some Elearning classes to make out what I could do in my spare time here at home. Given that the site says it is perfect for anyone wishing to enhance their knowledge and skill level on any subject I figured I would find something to get me started and to do something worthwhile and get my dream job. is an Elearning solutions company which provides online, on-demand courses for various fields. was earlier limited to corporate training for small / large firms but recently Personal Edition was launched. It focuses on training individuals to hone their specific skills in various fields. is the first company in history to provide a single, integrated platform for those seeking skill improvements for a particular job profile and those seeking to hire skilled, "job ready" workers. offers various courses based on your job profile that can help you excel in your field and gain an edge over your competitors. Almost any course can get you a job but only a good course can get you a promotion. There are also free courses that they offer like the course of Getting the Interview. Through this, you will learn how to success in the interview, it’s an important part for the job seekers to start their carrier.

Visit my sponsor: Personal Edition

Learning from experience

I would like to share my thoughts to be successful in life.

Always I strongly believe experience teaches us many things, how manage, how to think alternate options, how to come out of such a situation. Other way round practice makes man perfect, yes again practice in other terms can be equivated to experience.

Simple concept, why to companies pay high for experienced employee than a fresher.
Quiet simple, experience brings our good acceptable output from the employee.
Maturity and correctness will increase as the experience increases.

Again, experience alone can’t bring success but its key factor along with hard work and focused goal.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

I Signed Up for SocialSpark!

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

Similar to most people these days, it's frustrating to find a way to earn a little extra income. Today while I was surfing the Internet I came across a blog post for So, I immediately went to to check it out. From what I had read already this looked like something I would be fascinated in. This seemed wonderful to me. I set up an account in just a few short minutes.

SocialSpark is a “sponsored” post site where you sign up for free, verify your blog, and then start sifting through opportunities for posting on your blog for whatever payment you and the sponsors have agreed on. With SocialSpark you are able to reserve opportunities that you qualify for. Since most people cannot really sit at the computer all day and watch for opportunities to pop-up, you can be put in the queue once you find one you like. When it is your turn SocialSpark will e-mail you and from that point you have 12 hours to complete the post. You can also have "friends" on here and there is a mailbox system as well. I would think of it as something like a social networking site for bloggers. I have not gone through and looked at other bloggers' profile yet, but I will eventually.

Aside from writing opportunities they have Affiliate and CPC programs. Payments from all these opportunities are paid through Paypal but you need to accumulate $50 to cash out. I hope I can do that soon. Wish me luck! And while you’re at it, why don’t you Sign up for SocialSpark?

Everything in SocialSpark is great and a Code of Ethics is in place that included the following:

100% REAL Code of Ethics
100% Real Opinions
100% Audit-able In-Post Disclosure
100% Transparency
100% Search Engine Friendly

So if you are agreeing with this policy. Join now.

Visit my sponsor: I Signed Up for SocialSpark!