Monday, August 15, 2011

Would you donate an organ?

I avidly watched the show Three Rivers that was about transplantation and organ donation and I already miss it. I'm hoping that they decide to bring in back in the spring because I thought that it was a truly great show and I learned a lot of things from it. Besides that, I feel that it brought the importance of organ donation into a light that most people didn't already know.

So, let's look at it this way: say you know you're about to die in an hour but some of your organs are still functional and may still be used for transplant to the dying patient in the hospital room next to yours. A representative approaches you telling you could donate an organ say the heart or the kidney.

Would you be willing to give it?

Would you donate an organ?

If it happened to me, I would. I think donating an organ is one of the best ways to bring an end to ones' life, as we can share part of our entire life's blessing to other people who are in need. I know some religions forbid such an act, but in mine it's OK and I'm glad about it.


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