Tuesday, August 2, 2011

MOVIE REVIEW:: Crazy, Stupid, Love.

This is one of those movies that you hope will be good and live up to the commercials. Only as it continues you find yourself mentally working on a list of things to do around the house or what you still need to do at work. And before you know it you have wasted 2 agonizing hours of your life!

That is how this movie went. The actors have no chemistry and the story lines drag. The movie never gets going and the actors struggle to deliver their bunch lines. It is almost as if they only agreed to do this movie for the paycheck.

To put this in prospective, this is not a movie that you can see over and over again and expect it to get funnier. As Jack Nicholson once said "It is as good as it gets".

Crazy if you think about seeing this movie!

Stupid if you bought a ticket against your better judgment, because you will not Love it!!

Don't bother for the Blue Ray. Get it only to give away at a White Elephant party


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