Saturday, August 20, 2011

Act while Military Funding is Still Available

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Martinsburg Institute for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

My grandfather was an officer in the Army during WW2. My great uncle also served as a Colonel during that time. I just wondered how many of us come from a history of Military families. Does having that background influence us in anyway in wanting to join up?

I just discovered a distance training opportunity that is open for those who are serving in our military and was really fascinated. This program really hits my interest. Not just because we are in line of military family but also because of my personal reasons. With this, I can easily access and I can manage my time as well as my task without touching any of my schedules. The Martinsburg Institute distance training program allows those who are serving in the military to train no matter what time it is or where they are located! It does not matter if the student is stateside, deployed, or overseas. The school is totally online and once the students laptop is loaded with the training taking classes are easy. It is a perfect opportunity for service members to get training they may need to achieve their goals.

Martinsburg Institute is listed on the DANTES website and has been providing training to military personnel since 2004. Members benefit from a number of unique programs geared towards their exact needs. There are many certificate and degree programs available through the Martinsburg Institute including programs in Project Management, financial management and accounting, Business Communications, Information Technology, and more... and I think I would go for the certificate in Information Technology because computer based professions are not going away any time soon and these kinds of professions will always be in demand.          

Martinsburg Institute also participates in the MyCAA program to assist military spouses in gaining skills for portable careers.

For more info about the programs offered and help with getting started, simply contact Michael Johnson at 504.756.7676 or visit their website at

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