Monday, August 22, 2011

My Little Dog

This morning I took my little Dog Gissi out like I do every Morning, we are walking along, and as little Male Dogs (or big ones) he lifts his Leg to have a Pee, next thing I knew, this old Lady was poking him with a Stick, telling him not to pee on her wall confused, I ask her to stop poking my Dog, she says not till he stops peeing, I then ask her what her Problem is, since when there is a law that Dogs are not allowed to pee on walls, and also what am I suppose to do stop him peeing altogether? She then says to me, it is not the Dog, it is the owner, I looked at her confused and said, " I am not peeing on your wall." She tells me not to get cheeky, well that did it, I am only just slowly getting my Strength back from being very sick, I did not need this, now I have been brought up to respect my eldest I always do, but this Lady was going to far, she was still poking Gissi with the stick, so I told her not to bother starting on me and to stop poking my Dog, I then walked away as I could not trust myself to say more, ( if my Grandmother would been there and heard me, lol, I would have got a clip round the ear and then she would have given the Woman what for) I did not want to I feel awful now, but it is bad when People who do not care for Animals start having a go about a Dog peeing on the wall, Gissi is a rescue Dog, he was badly beaten in the past and I was also worried that he might turn on the Lady with her poking him like that.

I have to be honest I felt like taking the Stick of her and poking her with it see how she liked it. Now okay when they have a poo clean it up I always do, but are we suppose to carry bucket of water and cleaning stuff now as well to clean up when they pee I have to be honest though, as I watching Gissi that he does not turn, it did not seem to bother him, but he did keep the Leg lifted longer then needed and was looking at the Woman.

So, what is your opinion on this one


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