Monday, August 29, 2011

Everything you need is at Straight Talk!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Straight Talk. All opinions are 100% mine.

We are new to the Straight Talk experience but thus far quite happy, especially in that we save a lot of money and still have quality, versatile service. 

My teenage daughter wanted to obtain her own cell phone plan and pay for it on her own.  She researched plans and decided on Straight Talk, and she has mobile web capabilities to go along with other features she had on Verizon such as unlimited texting, voicemail, etc.  I decided to put my son on the same Straight Talk service and he enjoys having mobile web capability - he was after me to add another smart-phone to our Verizon plan but that raised my monthly bill.  I now have two happy teens on Straight Talk while I saved a net total of $125.00 per month.  Although I had to buy out two contracts the payback time is under 3 months and about a week in terms of money saved.  I decided to keep my Verizon plan and smart-phone.

Customer Service was reliable, friendly, and professional and quick, the numbers ported over to Straight Talk from Verizon in about 2-3 days - it takes a little time but it can be done in less than a day, for the savings it was worth the wait.  Phone selections are adequate and as customer base grows I would figure to guess that phone selections, options, and plans will change with the times.

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I recommend Straight Talk to anyone w/kids, tweens, and teens.  It's easy, quick and thus far reliable. If you don't have a cell phone, there is no need to worry, as Straight Talk carries the most trusted and well-known brands like Samsung, Nokia, LG, Motorola and Kyocera. They also carry reconditioned phones that are great for that first time or young cell phone user. These models include cameras, mp3 players, mobile web and even blue-tooth capability, a great deal at a great price of just $10. They have many plans to choose from. The “All You Need Plan” meets even the needs of heavy phone users with 1,000 minutes, 1,000 texts and 30 MB of web data. Or you can get Unlimited Monthly service is only $45, and includes calls, text, picture messaging, and web. 411 calls are included at no extra charge. There are no fees, Free from activation, reactivation, or termination fees.

So maybe someday you can say mom knows best to your kids after they sign up for Straight Talk!

You see, everything you need is at Straight Talk!

What are you waiting for? Need to text or call a friend? Surf the web? Well, get your phone now for less!

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Tracfone: Best Service & Cheapest Too!

This post brought to you by TracFone. All opinions are 100% mine.

Tracfone was one of the first with a great prepaid plan and is still the best. I use Tracfone for my daughter who doesn't use her phone much, and Straight Talk, a Tracfone service, for my own.  You buy minutes instead of an unlimited card.  It's really useful if you don't go over the minutes. And each time you buy minutes, you get more service so you can be years ahead and never have it turned off as long as you have minutes. The signal is great in most places and it does just what you need to do for whatever price you're willing to pay. No frills, but completely and perfectly adequate. I rarely drop calls with Tracfone, either, and I love their double minute’s card.  My phone will always have double the minutes I buy. Wonderful idea! 

TracFone is a pay as you go phone service. You can pay online or with cards available at thousands of retail stores. Sound like there should be a store by everyone with a TracFone card to sell. You can get 1 year service cards which will double your minutes for the life of your TracFone, and 800 minutes, for only $119.00. Sounds like a great deal to me. You can also pick from plans with 200 minutes for under $30.00, and as low as $9.99 for 50 minutes.

For International Calls, their service is truly great for they charge the same price as a regular call.

I just use my little standard phone with calling and texting capabilities, but some of their phones have so many features.

To help you make the right choice and find out more about tracfone you can watch real TracFone customers videos.

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According to real TracFone customers, TracFone is the answer to high phone bills. There is no hassle to get a tracFone because there is no contracts, no credit checks, no activation charges and no cancelation fees whatsoever!

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I love taking photos

I love taking pictures whenever we are visiting new places, actually even if we move to a new place I also want to take pictures in its famous landmarks...coz we are not going to stay there forever and its one good way of preserving some memories about the place.

I love taking photos with magnificent sceneries as background and also famous spots in my traveling places like statues, tower, park etc. But I have to taking photos at sign board showing name of the place as background, normally I would put in the first page of my photo album. How about you? Where's your favorite photo taking spots when traveling?

Monday, August 22, 2011

My Little Dog

This morning I took my little Dog Gissi out like I do every Morning, we are walking along, and as little Male Dogs (or big ones) he lifts his Leg to have a Pee, next thing I knew, this old Lady was poking him with a Stick, telling him not to pee on her wall confused, I ask her to stop poking my Dog, she says not till he stops peeing, I then ask her what her Problem is, since when there is a law that Dogs are not allowed to pee on walls, and also what am I suppose to do stop him peeing altogether? She then says to me, it is not the Dog, it is the owner, I looked at her confused and said, " I am not peeing on your wall." She tells me not to get cheeky, well that did it, I am only just slowly getting my Strength back from being very sick, I did not need this, now I have been brought up to respect my eldest I always do, but this Lady was going to far, she was still poking Gissi with the stick, so I told her not to bother starting on me and to stop poking my Dog, I then walked away as I could not trust myself to say more, ( if my Grandmother would been there and heard me, lol, I would have got a clip round the ear and then she would have given the Woman what for) I did not want to I feel awful now, but it is bad when People who do not care for Animals start having a go about a Dog peeing on the wall, Gissi is a rescue Dog, he was badly beaten in the past and I was also worried that he might turn on the Lady with her poking him like that.

I have to be honest I felt like taking the Stick of her and poking her with it see how she liked it. Now okay when they have a poo clean it up I always do, but are we suppose to carry bucket of water and cleaning stuff now as well to clean up when they pee I have to be honest though, as I watching Gissi that he does not turn, it did not seem to bother him, but he did keep the Leg lifted longer then needed and was looking at the Woman.

So, what is your opinion on this one

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Drop Out

Kind of feeding off from another discussion about teenagers, I often think of this: I surely hope my children don't ever want to drop out of high school. I want them to graduate from HIGH SCHOOL-not drop out or get kicked out and end up at a continuation school or only getting their GED. I believe that high school teaches responsibility and dedication, as well as learning to deal with peer issues, understanding punctuality, etc. I am not a fan of continuation school because the state mandates far less work and structure from its students, not to mention many times "problem students" attend because they could not make it work in the regular high school setting. I think allowing your child to drop out of school shows that it is not important to strive to do your best, or it is OK to mess up because there is always something else to fall back on. Am I old-school for the way I think? I think maybe I am uneducated nowadays with how schools work, and maybe it is a lot harder for a teen to truly succeed in high school, resulting in the reasons more kids either do drop out all together, or go the continuation or GED route.

What do you think? Have you had your teens drop out of school? Did you allow it or were they kicked out of regular school? What the reasons they either dropped completely or they decided continuation school was better?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Act while Military Funding is Still Available

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Martinsburg Institute for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

My grandfather was an officer in the Army during WW2. My great uncle also served as a Colonel during that time. I just wondered how many of us come from a history of Military families. Does having that background influence us in anyway in wanting to join up?

I just discovered a distance training opportunity that is open for those who are serving in our military and was really fascinated. This program really hits my interest. Not just because we are in line of military family but also because of my personal reasons. With this, I can easily access and I can manage my time as well as my task without touching any of my schedules. The Martinsburg Institute distance training program allows those who are serving in the military to train no matter what time it is or where they are located! It does not matter if the student is stateside, deployed, or overseas. The school is totally online and once the students laptop is loaded with the training taking classes are easy. It is a perfect opportunity for service members to get training they may need to achieve their goals.

Martinsburg Institute is listed on the DANTES website and has been providing training to military personnel since 2004. Members benefit from a number of unique programs geared towards their exact needs. There are many certificate and degree programs available through the Martinsburg Institute including programs in Project Management, financial management and accounting, Business Communications, Information Technology, and more... and I think I would go for the certificate in Information Technology because computer based professions are not going away any time soon and these kinds of professions will always be in demand.          

Martinsburg Institute also participates in the MyCAA program to assist military spouses in gaining skills for portable careers.

For more info about the programs offered and help with getting started, simply contact Michael Johnson at 504.756.7676 or visit their website at

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Monday, August 15, 2011

A real-life flying jetpack

In the near future, you may never have to sit in rush hour traffic again!

It seems that we may not be very far away from flying around with our own personal jet packs. Some pioneers are working on the technology to make this a reality for individual consumers.

Martin Aircraft in Christchurch, New Zealand is testing its jet pack device and believes that commuters may be able to purchase the jet pack for around $86,000 if the device receives an official license.

Soon the first commercially offered jetpack will hit the market and if you've got $86,000 to spare, nothing stands in your way of buying one. You don't even need a pilot's license.

Martin's Jetpack makes flying possible!

The Google+ project

I recently started reading about Google + project and I am eager to see if this Google+ is as popular or even possibly more popular than face book. I know they are in a limited trial and are only allowing people on in through invitations.

So far what I have seen I really like the circles and I might like it better than Facebook because it makes sharing easier and the privacy of who to share with easier. I also heard that it is suppose to have a video chat.

Would you donate an organ?

I avidly watched the show Three Rivers that was about transplantation and organ donation and I already miss it. I'm hoping that they decide to bring in back in the spring because I thought that it was a truly great show and I learned a lot of things from it. Besides that, I feel that it brought the importance of organ donation into a light that most people didn't already know.

So, let's look at it this way: say you know you're about to die in an hour but some of your organs are still functional and may still be used for transplant to the dying patient in the hospital room next to yours. A representative approaches you telling you could donate an organ say the heart or the kidney.

Would you be willing to give it?

Would you donate an organ?

If it happened to me, I would. I think donating an organ is one of the best ways to bring an end to ones' life, as we can share part of our entire life's blessing to other people who are in need. I know some religions forbid such an act, but in mine it's OK and I'm glad about it.

The craziest Craigslist ads ever!!!

Not too long ago, one of my friends on facebook posted a link to a Craigslist ad that she saw in her city. This ad was a response to the fact that you see so many people that are getting rid of their pets because they are expecting a child. I actually copied and saved the ad because I thought it was so funny and I knew that it would get removed. Here it is:

Please help! After two long years of being on a waiting list for a dog, we have been notified by breeder that, at long last, our number has come up and . . .


We must get rid of our children IMMEDIATELY because we just know how time consuming our new little puppy is going to be and it just wouldn't be fair to the children. Since our little puppy will be arriving on Monday we MUST place the children up for adoption this weekend!

They are described as:

One male -- his name is Tommy, Caucasian (English/Irish mix), light blonde hair, blue eyes. Four years old. Excellent disposition. He doesn't bite. Temperament tested. Does have problems with peeing directly in the toilet. Has had chicken Pox and is current on all shots. Tonsils have already been removed. Tommy eats everything, is very clean, house trained and gets along well with others. Does not run with scissors and with a little training he should be able to read soon.

One female -- her name is Lexie, Caucasian (English/Irish mix), strawberry blonde hair, green eyes quite freckled. Two years old. Can be surly at times. Non-biter, thumb sucker. Has been temperament tested but needs a little attitude adjusting occasionally. She is current on all shots, tonsils out, and is very healthy and can be affectionate. Gets along well with other little girls and little boys but does not like to share her toys and therefore would do best in a one child household. She is a very quick learner and is currently working on her house training. Shouldn't take long at all.

We really do LOVE our children so much and want to do what's right for them.

That is why we contacted a rescue group. But we simply can no longer keep them.

Also, we are afraid that they may hurt our new puppy.

I hope you understand that ours is a UNIQUE situation and we have a real emergency here! They MUST be placed into your rescue by Sunday night at the latest or we will be forced to drop them off at the orphanage or along some dark, country road. Our priority now has to be our new puppy.

$10 rehoming fee but price is very negotiable. oftware is a total waste of space and time? Are you like me and survive without it????

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

MOVIE REVIEW:: Crazy, Stupid, Love.

This is one of those movies that you hope will be good and live up to the commercials. Only as it continues you find yourself mentally working on a list of things to do around the house or what you still need to do at work. And before you know it you have wasted 2 agonizing hours of your life!

That is how this movie went. The actors have no chemistry and the story lines drag. The movie never gets going and the actors struggle to deliver their bunch lines. It is almost as if they only agreed to do this movie for the paycheck.

To put this in prospective, this is not a movie that you can see over and over again and expect it to get funnier. As Jack Nicholson once said "It is as good as it gets".

Crazy if you think about seeing this movie!

Stupid if you bought a ticket against your better judgment, because you will not Love it!!

Don't bother for the Blue Ray. Get it only to give away at a White Elephant party

Monday, August 1, 2011

The cool, new Straight Talk!

This post brought to you by Straight Talk. All opinions are 100% mine.

Are you looking for a stylish, new cell phone? A cell phone that is kind of like a contract, but is not! A cell phone plan, which do not need any credit? Or, maybe you're looking for something that has GREAT cell phone service, where you can go EVERYWHERE and can still get service. As, now, you should know, I'm not talking about METRO PCS; I'm talking about the cool, new Straight Talk! The Cell phone provider that will take you to another level! That will expand your mind, body, and soul! It almost seems impossible for something to be this sweet. is...and it's STRAIGHT TALK!!!

Imagine getting everything you need for only $45 per month, and you get unlimited minutes, texts, and data. That's only $499 for an entire year of unlimited mobile service - with no contracts, no surprise bills and no credit checks.  Even 411 are included free - no extra fees.  I really like the sound of that.  You can even call a friend in another country with their flexible prepaid calling service that gives you low international rates.

Straight Talk only offers quality phones made by trusted manufactures like LG, Motorola, Kyocera, Nokia and Samsung at affordable prices. You can even get a reconditioned phone for just $10 which includes a camera, mp3 player, Bluetooth, and mobile web access. Straight Talk also offers advanced smart phones, touch screen phones, app-capable phones and just about any phone you might be looking for. With clear reception and nationwide coverage, having a Straight talk phone is definitely a wise decision. With so many stylish and functional phones to choose from and not to mention their affordable monthly plans, you will definitely go for a Straight Talk phone hook, line and sinker.

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