Thursday, April 15, 2010

Operation Restore

Hair loss doesn’t have to happen. There are seemingly limitless ways to prevent hair loss and restore hair that has already been lost. While some people decide to go bald by choice because they like the shiny scalp look, for most people, losing their hair can be an embarrassing problem.

The ISHRS has developed and managed "Operation Restore" which approves and finances pro bono hair restoration for those patients in need who have suffered hair loss because of disease or trauma. This program matches prospective hair loss patients with volunteer ISHRS physicians to obtain hair restoration services to help restore the physical and emotional wellness of the individual. The foundation will provide financial, travel, lodging, and medical assistance to eligible patients in need. The purpose of the ISHRS is education and it does not offer certification. The American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS) is an independent but cooperative voluntary organization that offers certification to hair restoration surgeons.


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