Wednesday, April 28, 2010

the Mayans theory

Many say that the year 2012 will be the end of the world because of the Mayan Calendar, or the Mayan theory. Do you believe in this prediction? Well, if you ask me, it’s so hard to tell. I have heard so many predictions already and some happened and most of the time NOT. Honestly, I really don’t believe in predictions because from the word itself we can define the meaning of it. However, as what is happening in our world today I can say that maybe it is true. Just like what happened in our country last year (2009), we have experienced a typhoon that almost killed thousands of people for only a day. Actually, not only people have killed but also millions of people wealth had lost. This year 2010 many countries also experienced typhoon, tsunami, and earthquake that also killed hundred of thousands of people and their wealth and properties. Almost every week I heard in the news different countries that experienced this kind of tragedy. I’m really wondering in all the things that happened nowadays are already the signs for the Mayans theory. What do you think? Do you believe that we all gonna die? I’m not scared to die actually but I’m afraid of the possibilities might happen before I die.


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