Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How to Make the Most Out of Every Ink Print Cartridge

Many people focus on buying a good quality printer, and that is certainly an important decision, but they forget that how you treat your ink cartridge has a big impact on the quality of your pages!

Some of the nicest printers use up ink very quickly, which means your documents often look less than perfect in a short period of time. If you are interested in making your ink last longer, read on to find out how...

Be careful about which font size you write with: Compare the size of your favourite fonts; a font that is a little smaller than another generally takes less ink to create. There are also fonts that you can download for free online that were made to be better for the environment.

These fonts may save you around 20 percent of your ink in comparison to what you are currently using. If you aren't interested in downloading anything, simply try not to bold your text as often, pick smaller fonts and be concise in your writing.

Look through your documents before sending them to the printer: This ensures that you are only printing what you need. If you have a ten page document, but you only need to use five pages of it, adjust the settings on your printer to make sure that you only get the important text.

Also, if you want to print out something that has pictures, think about whether or not you need those images. If not, copy and paste the article into Word, delete the pictures and then print the information.

There is also an option called "draft output" in Word that will allow you to print only the text. Finally, if you are printing out something that you have written, make sure you look over it several times before you print it. Even one little error could cause you to print out a document more than once, wasting unnecessary ink.

Pay attention to your settings: Make the "low quality" print option the default for your device; while you can change it yourself each time you print a document, it is something that is easy to forget to do if you are in a hurry. You are much more likely to switch it to high quality when you need it than you are to change it to low quality every time that you print something out!

Search online for instructions about changing your default settings; the process is quite easy, and you will save a lot of ink as a result.

Finally, try to print with black ink as much as possible. A colour cartridge is much more expensive than a black one. While this tip won't necessarily keep you from going through cartridges any faster, it will save you money in the long run.

Anyone that has a printer knows that it can be a struggle to keep your ink levels high. Take the information in this article and use it to extend the longevity of your print cartridge!

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View the original article here


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