Wednesday, October 3, 2012

An Introduction To Charms In Windows 8

Magic and its aura remain incomplete without spells and amulets. The same way Windows 8 as an OS would fail to leave a spell without its new utility known as Charms. Some are context-sensitive, while some aren't. Some are vital for the desktop, while some only bring magic in Metro applications. For those of you who are dying wondering why the name charms, then let us tell you they are named so because they resemble items one would always find on a charm bracelet. To get going with the windows 8 OS, it is thus critical for you to figure out what this truly unique utility sets to achieve about.

Tryst with Charms
Windows 8 OS users can pull up the charms with their keyboard, mouse or a touch screen. Starting with:

The Keyboard Shortcut --> Press WinKey+C and you have access to CharmsThe Mouse --> Move the mouse cursor to top or bottom right corner of the screen --> once done with, move the cursor up or down towards the transparent charm icons appearing in the middle of the screen.Touch --> Swipe the right edge of the screen and move to the center of the screen.

No matter whatever step you take, Charms option such as Search, Share, Start, Devices, and Settings will appear on the screen.

This charm can be either context-sensitive or global. So, when you invoke it from the desktop or the Start screen, you would be able access the system-wide search functionality. From this juncture, you can search your installed apps and files. Any Metro application installed will not only extend the search feature but further add its own search results. Say for instance, a music-playing application could add song, artist, and album results.

Keyboard Shortcut: WinKey+Q

Only functioning within Metro apps, this charm can be accessed either from the desktop or a Start screen. All Metro apps are programmed to exploit the "share contracts" utility in order to share content with each other via the Share charm. Say for instance, one can open a web page in Internet Explorer and use the Share charm to send it over to the Mail app, which can further email the link to others.

Keyboard Shortcut: WinKey+H

The Start Charm performs the same function as a Windows key. By using it PC users can easily jump back to the Start screen. And if you are already at the Start screen, you would be taken back to the desktop or the previous Metro app.

Keyboard Shortcut: WinKey

This variety of Charm offers PC users a streamlined interface to interact with the devices connected to the computer. For instance, one can easily manage how the Windows deals with additional monitors. In situations where the screen feature works from the desktop, most of the options would work only within Metro apps. In case, wherein users want to interact with a device from a Metro app, say for example printing via a Metro app to a connected printer they can find the device in the Devices charm.

Keyboard Shortcut: WinKey+K

Containing both context-sensitive and global settings, this charm is divided into two parts. One being the bottom half of the Settings panel, wherein a grid of important, system-wide settings, the Shut Down option, options for controlling the sound volume, network, screen brightness, language, and notifications are present.

The other half is the top half of the Settings panel which includes a link to the Control Panel. This Control Panel link at the top of the panel further takes a PC user to the desktop Control Panel, while the additional PC settings link at the bottom of the panel open the Metro-style settings app.

Keyboard Shortcut: WinKey+I

A freelance writer and a blogger-to-the core, Namita has got her brownie points by writing for core technical concerns pestering PC users on day-to-day basis. She has been aligned with many technical firms including PCCare247 - a known technorati in Online Technical Support Services including virus removal, windows tech support, network support, peripheral support, browser support, data back-up and many more.

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