Saturday, October 20, 2012

5 Tips to Increasing Computer Safety

We all are using computer more than we in the past. Computer are used in various ways now. Computer use is expanding to grocery shopping, education as well as businesses. This means it's very important to keep our computers in the best possible condition. It's common for people to not even think about computer security until their computer becomes compromised. Don't go without real protection. Use these top 5 tips for pc security to make sure your safe on the internet.

Use Firewall Protection

Activate a firewall when you decide to navigate the internet. There is a firewall included for people who have the Windows operating system running on their computer. It's always a good idea to know there are more options than just the Windows Firewall. There are free firewalls as well. All you have to do is do an internet search on firewalls to find a free one that you may like better. If you are not technologically inclined, the Windows firewall is still a good option.

Get a Paid Antivirus Client

Using an antivirus program is of the utmost importance. Don't skip this step when you're trying to establish computer security. Antivirus software come in two types. You can get free antivirus software, or you can use the paid version.

· Free options are OK to get some kind of protection right away. But, these are never as good as the full, paid versions of the program. If you want the better coverage then choose the paid version over the free version. You can always go straight to the paid version. Avast, Avira and AVG are all antivirus programs with free options. Search the internet for them, install them and turn them on.

· Paid antivirus protection will offer you around the clock protection from online viruses. A good client will stop sneak attacks and installs by giving aroung the clock protection. Running a real antivirus program on your computer can do way more good than not having any protection.

Browser Updating

Online viruses can get on computers by going through security holes. Make sure your computer browser is not one of the security weaknesses. Download the up to date version of the update for your browser. This will help lower the amount of online threats that can reach your computer. Some browsers will update automatically to keep it current and up to date.

Change Your Password

Computer users often make up passwords that are the easiest for them to recall. It's better to find a password that is more difficult to remember. Take the time to write your more secure password down in a notebook so you don't forget it. The reason you should use a more difficult passwords is so hackers cannot get into your accounts and gain unauthorized access. Making your passwords harder to guess makes it very hard for anyone to hack your accounts. Include capital letters, numbers, special characters and spaces to form your new password for your accounts. Make the new password a miminal of 8 characters from now on. Make the password a maximum of approximately 12 characters. Having this cap can help you remember the code as well. Your password should not remain the same over a 3 month time limit. Change it by that time. This will boost security.

Using Data Backup

Do not go through data loss you should back up all the data you have. You don't want to run the risk of losing your data. Just make a copy of the information. It should not be avoided at all. Computer users won't ever expect to see their pc fail on them. Make sure you have any important information backed up before any system failure happens. You can do this over a certain period of time. You can do this daily, weekly or even monthly. Make sure your digital information is stored either online, a flash drive or a CD. If you do this you will never have to worry about losing your information once you have saved it.The things will help everyone stay safe on the internet.

Find more information about computer at this website and important virus safety information at here.

View the original article here


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