Saturday, October 20, 2012

5 Tips to Increasing Computer Safety

We all are using computer more than we in the past. Computer are used in various ways now. Computer use is expanding to grocery shopping, education as well as businesses. This means it's very important to keep our computers in the best possible condition. It's common for people to not even think about computer security until their computer becomes compromised. Don't go without real protection. Use these top 5 tips for pc security to make sure your safe on the internet.

Use Firewall Protection

Activate a firewall when you decide to navigate the internet. There is a firewall included for people who have the Windows operating system running on their computer. It's always a good idea to know there are more options than just the Windows Firewall. There are free firewalls as well. All you have to do is do an internet search on firewalls to find a free one that you may like better. If you are not technologically inclined, the Windows firewall is still a good option.

Get a Paid Antivirus Client

Using an antivirus program is of the utmost importance. Don't skip this step when you're trying to establish computer security. Antivirus software come in two types. You can get free antivirus software, or you can use the paid version.

· Free options are OK to get some kind of protection right away. But, these are never as good as the full, paid versions of the program. If you want the better coverage then choose the paid version over the free version. You can always go straight to the paid version. Avast, Avira and AVG are all antivirus programs with free options. Search the internet for them, install them and turn them on.

· Paid antivirus protection will offer you around the clock protection from online viruses. A good client will stop sneak attacks and installs by giving aroung the clock protection. Running a real antivirus program on your computer can do way more good than not having any protection.

Browser Updating

Online viruses can get on computers by going through security holes. Make sure your computer browser is not one of the security weaknesses. Download the up to date version of the update for your browser. This will help lower the amount of online threats that can reach your computer. Some browsers will update automatically to keep it current and up to date.

Change Your Password

Computer users often make up passwords that are the easiest for them to recall. It's better to find a password that is more difficult to remember. Take the time to write your more secure password down in a notebook so you don't forget it. The reason you should use a more difficult passwords is so hackers cannot get into your accounts and gain unauthorized access. Making your passwords harder to guess makes it very hard for anyone to hack your accounts. Include capital letters, numbers, special characters and spaces to form your new password for your accounts. Make the new password a miminal of 8 characters from now on. Make the password a maximum of approximately 12 characters. Having this cap can help you remember the code as well. Your password should not remain the same over a 3 month time limit. Change it by that time. This will boost security.

Using Data Backup

Do not go through data loss you should back up all the data you have. You don't want to run the risk of losing your data. Just make a copy of the information. It should not be avoided at all. Computer users won't ever expect to see their pc fail on them. Make sure you have any important information backed up before any system failure happens. You can do this over a certain period of time. You can do this daily, weekly or even monthly. Make sure your digital information is stored either online, a flash drive or a CD. If you do this you will never have to worry about losing your information once you have saved it.The things will help everyone stay safe on the internet.

Find more information about computer at this website and important virus safety information at here.

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Sony DSC-RX100 Digital Camera Review

The Sony RX-100 might just be the very best selling camera to be released in 2012. With features usually left for digital SLR's this little point and shoot camera under $1000 ships stanard with a 20 megapixel sensor, full HD video recording and a fast, bright and super sharp Carl Zeiss lens with 3.6x Optical zoom. Let's have a closer look:

20 megapixels on a Big 1 inch Digital Sensor

The Sony RX-100 offers something a lot of point and shoot cameras, and even DSLR's can't, and that's resolution. At 20 megapixels this little Sony is ahead of the curve offering fine resolution that redefines what the point and shootcamera is capable of. Making poster sized prints is a breeze with this camera and printing bi at 20" x 30" is not only possible, it's recommended to appreciate just what this small camera from Sony can do.

Full 1080P HD Video Recording

Like almost every digital camera released today, and even competing with newer smartphones such as the iPhone 5, the Sony RX 100 can record ful HD video at 1080P high definition resolution. One thing that does set this little sony ahead of the pack of current digital cameras is the ability to shoot both video and still image s at the exact same time. Later, when you're done making your hi-def movies, it's easy as pie to share you photos on popular social networks.

Fast Bright Lens with 3.6x Optical Zoom

Even a camera with a high quality digital sensor like the one included on this portable Sony camera is useless unless the optics for the camera are of the highest of quality, and you can't buy a better lens today than Carl Zeiss lenses that are world renown for their out of this world colors, contrast and sharpness. The fast f/1.8 aperture is much faster than cheaper point and shoot cameras and lets in 4 times as much light than lesser cameras for outstanding low light shooting capabilities. Combined with the ISO 6400 shooting speed, the RX100 is one of the best point and shoot cameras for shooting indoors and without the use of flash.


Combine a 20 megapixel sensor that competes or even surpasses the megapixel count on some professional cameras with a fast zoom lens and outstanding low light shooting performance and then wrap it all in a compact camera size that fits into your pocket or purse, and the Sony RX-100 is the best selling camera this year in the advanced point and shoot camera category.

I has been working with digital cameras and photography for over 20 years and have had photos and works published worldwide. For fun I review and write about the best digital cameras I can find and offer unbiased digital camera reviews You owe it to yourself to get the best camera price you can when you consider any new digital camera purchase.

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Friday, October 19, 2012

IT Financing Offers Purchasing and Upgrade Solutions

Numerous businesses will be reliant on the installation of an advanced Information Technology (IT) system in order to remain competitive in their market. Without access to the technology offered by a cutting edge IT system, a business might not be very limited in how it conducts operations. That would definitely present a roadblock when trying to succeed in a competitive market. Also troubling would be the fact an old, outdated IT system can present all manner of security risks.

So, why do so many businesses rely on older, less productive IT systems? The answer is the businesses simply cannot afford to upgrade. Based on current cash flow projections, the business must remain reliant on using the IT infrastructure it currently has in place. Or does it? For those businesses wishing to upgrade but are short on available funds, it is possible to explore options for IT financing.

Financing IT Equipment Is No Different Than Procuring Other Types of Loans

The way the financing agreement works is a business would apply to borrow funds from a service that specializes in long or short term funding for IT needs. The borrower may seek full or partial financing for a purchase and then make the monthly payments as specified in the financing agreement. Access to such lending capital ensures that IT needs never have to be ignored due to cash flow concerns and liquidity never has to placed at risk in order to purchase new equipment.

That said, this type of IT financing is only one method. There is another way it can be done.

IT Financing as a Line of Credit

A service that offers financing for Information Technology may also present an agreement that comes in the form of a line of credit. Basically, when the time comes when your business needs to purchase new IT equipment or technology, funds can be accessed through a pre-approved line of credit. In addition to employing the line of credit to cover equipment costs and purchases, the line of credit can be used to cover repair work, software upgrades and other IT needs. Best of all, a line of credit can be accessed at any time. So, when a business requires immediate financing, it can simply take advantage of its available credit line.

The Benefits of Working with an IT Financing Service

In addition to gaining access to funds and protecting cash flow, there are other benefits that can be gained from working with a reputable financing service. The service could offer flexible payment plans. This can allow a business to better budget itself when it is seeking to upgrade or replace its current IT technology. Down payments may not be required which further lessens the costs of procuring financing. For those businesses in need of it, it might be possible to be afforded off balance sheet financing.

IT financing definitely offers a solution to concerns over the costs associated with maintaining an IT infrastructure. All business reliant on a reliable IT system should definitely take note of what financing options are available.

For more information about IT financing in Malaysia and Singapore, visit IT Financing.

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Current Camera Memory Cards Have All The Power You Need

With the desire for true-to-life digital images with rich detail comes the need for greater memory storage capacity and faster write speeds. Manufacturers such as Nikon and Canon continue to make higher end dslr cameras that carry enough image sensing power to easily drown older memory card standards. Even the average cell phone/camera user wants a little more excitement and hi-tech under the hood for high resolution images and downloading quality video. At all this the digital memory card industry hasn't balked or hesitated, producing an explosion of memory capacities and extending the older SD standard to satisfy devices with even the most voracious digital appetites.

Even though shifts in technology and manufacturing have brought bigger memory cards, the older SD standards are far too useful to be gathering dust just yet. The older SD format memory card will hold its ground since newer devices are backwards compatible, and many users still have the older but not obsolete point and shoot cameras.

It's well known that the older camera memory cards, including SD, xD from Olympus, Memory Stick from Sony, and the CompactFlash used in higher end DSLRs, represent a grand step from the older film cameras, and an amateur photographer can take and store more images on one of those little cards than on several of the old rolls of film. But as long as there are the older point and shoot digital cameras the basic SD card still applies, even though maturing technology and markets will make greater capacities and cameras cheaper, rendering older cameras obsolete.

Digital photography has grown even more convenient and exciting with the evolution of camera memory. Compact point and shoot cameras typically use the SD or SDHC formats, with SDXC close behind, this popularity of SD and its extensions being another reason for basic SD's steadfastness. Over time these formats have proven to be the most popular since they come in a variety of capacities, fit the most devices, and therefore meet the broadest range of digital needs.

SD, or Secure Digital, was quickly succeeded by its faster extension, SDHC (an acronym for Secure Digital High Capacity). While the SD 1.0 standard only supplied up to 1GB of space, the newer SDHC and other mini and micro flavors supply space up to 16GB (microSD) and 32GB (SDHC). SDHC devices are backward compatible with the SD cards.

Given all these technological factors (greatly simplified here) the ease of choosing a card for your shooting needs hasn't changed, but has gotten simpler. A higher capacity card merely means you'll have more memory for your images. A faster write speed means the average user can enjoy using the card without any hiccups. Even if you're not concerned with sports photography and getting 4-5 RAW images in a second, you'll be sitting pretty knowing today's cards can handle your modest needs. A card which can handle high definition video? Unless you're filming a movie, it's merely extra power you have at your disposal if the need arises.

So that's it. Higher capacity, higher speed cards with fancier markings need not make your digital camera a pain to use or to buy memory for. Grab some memory and go. Just remember a plain SD or SDHC card will most likely meet your needs, and the newer extended standards will merely supply you with extra thrust - if you ever need it.

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Which iPad Case Is Best for You?

Choosing the best iPad case for your shiny new iPad is not easy. While not everyone wants to cover up their iPad, we maintain that everyone should have at least one available for certain occasions. A well designed iPad case can enhance both the functionality and style of your iPad.

Now that the iPad has been out for several years, with its 3rd generation having been launched earlier this year, consumers are faced with a staggering number of choices in the way of iPad cases. In this article we will look at some of the more common options and ways to help you decide which type of case is best for you.

Online outlets and retailers offer a near limitless selection of iPad cases. The majority of these look remarkably similar and were more than likely put together in the same factory. They are typically on the lower end of the price scale costing as high as $20 and sometimes lower than $10! If you are looking for an iPad case that purely provides some additional level of protection to your iPad, these cases are for you. However, if you are willing to spend a little bit extra over the cost of other tablets to buy an iPad, chances are you want something a little bit nicer that doesn't hide up your nice shiny device.

If that's you, then cases then a notebook or folio case might be for you. These cases are leather bound, folio style iPad cases designed to make your iPad look like it is resting in a leather moleskin notebook. Some of these cases have been around since the release of the first generation ipad and have been extremely populat among iPad buyers. All of these cases share a similar design. Leather on the outside with a bookcloth inside. The iPad itself is nestled in a wooden frame made of either Queensland maple, birch or bamboo. While some of these case have won various competitions and design awards, there have been numerous complaints about the strength of the case and the grip that holds the iPad in. All cases use a somewhat similar style of grip to hold the iPad in its wooden case, with varying degrees of success. All of these cases can also be utilised as a stand for the iPad case.

The third type of case you might consider is one with additional functionality such as a keyboard or dedicated stand. These cases can cost upwards of $100, but are a must for many iPad owners. If you are always on the go or find yourself using your iPad for a large majority of your work, taking notes or watching media, you might consider one of these cases.

I hope that this has provided you with a brief overview of some of the options available to you in the iPad case arena. Happy shopping!

Read more about our iPad Case and how we designed ours at

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New Tech Products for Seniors

If you are elderly, you might not exactly be on top of the most current trends in technology. This doesn't mean that you cannot benefit from the latest advances, however. Tech companies know that the senior market is one of the fastest growing marketplaces around the world and they are looking to cash in by creating products with a specific appeal to the senior population. A recent expo in Europe highlighted a lot of the recent products that have been created.

Some of these new products include smart phones with larger buttons, back ache-free vacuum cleaners, and more advanced hearing aids. One of the important features that these devices have is to make sure that they do not closely resemble medical devices. If they did, this would only remind the elderly of their problems. Products are being designed to look sleek and attractive in order to fight this previous marketing flaw.

The market for products for the elderly has a wide array of diversity because this is a very diverse demographic. Retirees have a large set of interests and product developers are trying to take this fact into account. For example, many elderly folk that use mobile cell phones rely upon the alarm clock feature pretty heavily. This is a very basic use, but modifying this to more closely fit the needs of senior citizens can make a big difference. Other features, like a GPS function that can locate the user, also can be very useful for seniors. Still, other cell phone users value simplicity over gadgets. Finding a phone in the traditional market that is not overloaded with fancy bells and whistles might be tough, but there are units designed especially for senior citizens, too.

The Berlin tech expo offered tours to senior citizens intermittently. The goal was not to sell them products, but rather to educate them and explain how they can use technology to better their lives. The senior citizen population is expanding rapidly because of advances in medicine and technology, and it is important that seniors be made more aware of the simple things that they can do to help themselves.

There are many safety features being produced, as well. For example, a new generation of emergency call buttons has been established. This button will call a pre-programmed number, ranging from emergency services to family members-but that is not all it does. This device, which is worn around the neck, can also detect if the wearer has not moved for an extended period of time and can alert the emergency numbers if this were to occur.

New technology has improved our lives and the senior population is no different. Designing products that can specifically help this population is only a smart marketing idea.

Matthew G. Young is a freelance writer who specializes in financial, sports, and health-related topics. To learn more about in home health care visit Paradise In Home Care

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Things You Need To Know in Cleaning Your Smartphones

While making use of your Smartphone, do you have the habit of washing your hands first or at least wiping your hands with a cloth and a little amount of rubbing alcohol? I'm asking this because your hands may have been exposed to dust or some finger-food. If you don't, then you must know what best cleaning products you must have ready in cleaning your Smartphones. Cleaning your Smartphone, seriously? Yes, that's right. We all have to clean our phones.

Safety Cleaning of Smartphone Screen

Your Smartphone screen is very delicate as it's where you are going to tap and enter whatever you need to have your phone work. Smartphones today come more in touch-screen than in keypads. Anyhow, whether it's a touch or a type kind of phone, we need to use soft materials such as a lint-free cloth in cleaning the screen. A microfiber type of cloth is preferable. If you think cleaning your windows would be the same as cleaning your Smartphone screens, you'll end up damaging it and the worst, it may have malfunctions. Thus, never dare use a dust cleaning paired with a paper towel. That's the old school way.

You can find products that are considered to be professional and safe to use, giving your screen care a perfect result. Screen sprays and microfiber are a perfect pair when it comes to cleaning your Smartphones' screen.

Dealing with More Stubborn Screen Contaminants

At times, you may have your phone screen filled with food or you accidentally spilt some ink on it. The best way to do first is turn your Smartphone off. You do this to protect firstly your battery and the electronic parts in it. Get a microfiber cloth paired with screen sprays to wipe the touch screen gently. Do this until the section is dry and make sure there's no moisture left. After removing the battery, you should proceed with wiping the speakers and mic as these are parts that are most sensitive and where liquid could easily get through.

Some harmful contaminants may be hard to remove, and this will require you to have some wet wipes or cleaning wipes.

Making Use of Household Cleaners for Cleaning Your Smartphones

Just as you do cleaning and maintenance for your bathrooms, you must also do the same with your belongings, especially those that you carry along all the time. But take note that you must not make use of the usual cleaning materials that you use to clean your tiles and your windows. Chemicals used for these kinds of stuff are harsh and they would surely damage your Smartphone screen. Your gadget is something that's very expensive and you worked hard to own one.

Therefore you should be sure of what types of cleaning materials to use. A good suggestion is for you to purchase some cleaning kits. Your electronics, not just for cleaning your Smartphones can take advantage of it. Your LCD TV, your laptop screen and your computer LCD can also get good maintenance of out the kits you have.

Ann Jayloa shares some insights on how to take care of your valued gadgets such as mobile phones, laptop screens and computer LCD. As dust off cleaning resources are available, there's no way for you to have problems with keeping your stuff clean. You may find more info here as well as

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What Is New About Windows 8 Multi-Monitor Technology?

Much has been talked about the new Windows 8 regarding the technology; there are still some things that are left, for example the multi-monitor support. Majority of users might be unaware about the tips and tricks that will enhance their experience with this new version of Windows. There are various things that you can do with multi-monitor display like, editing documents, browsing, chatting and e-mailing all at the same time. Let us find out what more is there to know about Windows8.

Edge Detection Technology

The earlier version of Windows was not fully capable of edge detection technology. The newer version is something that is more advance in features and in terms of edge detection. This technology is fully capacitated and the view is much clearer, a user will be easily able to make out the thumbnails of the applications that are running currently on the system.

You can easily locate Charms bar with a mouse over, all you need to do is to go to the icon located on the left hand side corner of the display and the Charms Bar will appear.

Now you will be able to activate the effects and view the edge detection. Another thing to keep in mind is that the area near the edge is narrow and you would require mouse precision to let the effect appear. It might take a while for you to exactly reveal the affect while mastering the art of mouse maneuver for the edges to appear.

Ability to Customize the Taskbar

With new Windows 8, you will be easily able to view different task bars on separate monitors. Now you need to do is to make a replica of the icons that are already displayed on the default task bar. This can be done by right mouse click on the task bar and select properties. This way you can choose to replicate the desired icons for quick shortcut on multiple screen displays and save time consumed in going back to the primary screen for surfing.

Utilizing New Keyboard Shortcuts

There are new keyboard shortcuts that you can utilize in Windows 8. These shortcuts are specially added in the new version of Windows. You can utilize the following:

• Page Up: Win+PageUp
• Page Down: Win+ PageDn
• To move from one side to another: Win+ Arrow keys

Using these new short cuts will enable in swapping through the screens easily and enable in smooth navigation.

Enabling Slideshows and Images for different screens

Do you know that with multi screen facility you can easily display different desktop in different screens?

This is made possible by selecting desired images from the given menu; it will then be displayed on the background of your desktop. You can also utilize the option of multiple-display and make it appear like a slide show. Another interesting thing that you can do is choose to customize the screen resolution and the ratio. You will be able to define the different modes like portrait or landscape view.

Easy Navigation

Navigating through multiple screens might seem cumbersome or time consuming and returning back to the main screen may seem a tedious task. This is made easy with Windows key that will help you return to the start screen and if you double, press this key then you will be able to return to full screen mode. Another way of doing it is Win+D while you are still working on multiple screen modes. Remember if you are already on the desktop mode then pressing Win+D will return to Start.

After going through the above-mentioned features about the new Windows 8 have you will be easily able to go through and discover the enhancements. These features are included for user convenience to provide a rich Windows experience to the tech savvy user. Additionally, you will be able to apply custom-made changes to individual screens. For those who are working on more than one project the multi screen facility is a boon to ease workability and productivity. This means a quicker, faster, efficient and easy to use Windows 8.

She is a Technology writer who is keen on any new emerging technology updates. She is working with Qresolve as a Technical Support Engineer. Semeli Karen McPherson has been offering online tech support to global customers for issues related to laptops, desktops, Mac and devices including iPods, tablets, iPhones,computer support and more.She caters to the segment of core technology and provides viable solutions to any issues related to technology and software. Her expertise and skills in handling key technology issues is immaculate and quick result bearing. Through her articles and postings she aims to provide knowledge and solutions to common technology issues that a user faces.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

iPhone 5, Managing Expectations

With the announcement of the iPhone 5 - as well as other "magical" devices - Apple, the genius marketeers that they are, have consistently managed to build a media frenzy before every Keynote Event. Before Apple Keynotes involved a congregation of share and stakeholders, gathered around a presentation. Apple and Steve Jobs transformed that into the show that it is today. Steve turned these presentations into a genuine occasion, and an excitement formed around their products never before seen within the early IT marketplace.

After an almost dormant period through the late 90's, Apple's infamous Keynotes began to lose some of its momentum: partly due to the departure of Jobs. The iPod, along with the return of their messiah - Steve Jobs - Apple would once again begin to make a seismal impression on the media, culminating in 2007 with the now| infamous original iPhone presentation. From that moment onward, every Apple Keynote would follow a whirlwind of hype and anticipation.

Here we are then five years older, riding on the crest of yet another wave of media hype and expectation. The difference this time, like their dormant period, is that there is no Steve Jobs. We have witnessed keynotes before from Apple without Steve, however they were generally, an "evolution" of a product and not the revolution we all expect. This time the world is expecting more, we expect to see a revolution on the scale of the original iPhone. How Apple will handle that expectation without Steve is fascinating to say the least. This was Steve's last project, something that he perhaps knew too; the last device to be directly influenced through Steve Jobs, ought to carry its own weight and expectation.

What else, revolutionary, is there to do with this particular generation of smartphones, there's a shift coming, some of us have foreseen it, nevertheless this Keynote may not be it. Google could be onto something with "Google Glass", but they are hardly renowned for their product launches.

Has Apple attained an almost stratospheric pinnacle of marketing that whenever they launch a new device it shall meet expectations, caused by the bloated expectations of their own creation? Perhaps, though it's predicament most wish they had. I'm fairly certain the iPhone 5 will be a marvelous phone, that on a purely aesthetic level would lead the smartphone race for a further few years, I'm just waiting for that product that changes the world - again.

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Understanding Windows Services in Windows 7

Your computer does lots of things in the background. You probably know a bit about programs running on your machine. And you might even know a bit about active processes that run as the behind-the-scenes component of an open application. But behind even those processes is another layer of functionality - services.

What Are Services?
At the very simplest level, a service is a small, helper program that runs in the background of your computer. When you turn on the computer, the services are one of the first things to get fired up and start working. They make sure that everything starts up properly, has the right permissions, connects properly and - as you continue to use your computer - they help ensure that programs work correctly as well.

Unlike a process, an active service runs regardless of whether a given application is open. This ensures that resources are always available for the components that need them.

How to Access Them
To see the services that are running on your computer right now, you simply need to pull up the Task Manager. Do this by clicking on Ctrl + Shift + Esc. And then clicking on the tab labeled "Services."

In Windows XP, the task manager doesn't list services, but you can still access them via the Services Manager. Go to Control Panel ( » Performance and Maintenance) » Administrative Tools » Services. This will pull up the Service Manager.

At first glance you can get a sense of how services are managed and distributed.

If you look closely you'll notice that not all of them are actually running in the background. In fact, many of the services installed on your computer aren't running at all, they're Stopped. You can see this in the "Status" Column.

Head's up | Whether or not a service is running depends on the particular settings of your system. While it's good to understand services and know how to monitor them. It's generally not a good idea to arbitrarily stop and start them without knowing exactly what functions this will affect. That being said, you always have the power to control a service by right-clicking it. The context menu that appears lets you start/stop the service and also provides you with access to options, letting you find out more or adjust the way in which Windows activates it.

Types of Services (Groups)
The list of services is long, and each has a special job. To make it a bit easier to organize, Windows 7 incorporated a set of group names to categorize services according to the types of jobs they actually perform. The most common groups of services you'll find on a PC are...


DcomLaunch handles some of the nuts and bolts of your computer. Inside the DcomLaunch group you'll find services that make your computer power up, that make plug-and-play applications work and one that makes everything go from off to on.


LocalService includes the various services associated with the actions required by a local account, like your personal user-account. The LocalService programs work in isolation from other services for security reasons and ensure that when you log into your computer, the settings associated with your specific user-account load up correctly.


Services that fall into the LocalServiceNoNetwork include things like your Internet firewall and some security programs. In this group you'll find any number of Internet activity logs, filtering software and IP settings.

It's called "NoNetwork" because these items are able to be run without a connection to the local network, like a home or office network. An example service you might find here is the Windows Firewall. If activated, it will run independent of local network access so that another user (one who's also on the network) can't turn your firewall on or off. This is part of the integrated security framework that Windows Vista and 7 had built into their operations.


The large number of services that fall under LocalServiceAndNoImpersonation are entertainment related. This group of services all relate back to Windows 7 Media Center and other media files and programs including things like fonts, display brightness and Media Center extenders and networking.


The LocalServiceNetworkRestricted files are those you're already familiar with. Windows Audio is contained in this group along with Parental Controls and the Windows Security Center.

These aren't as vital as some items in LocasServiceNoNetwork but they're still relatively important. So they have only a restricted access to a local network.


Networking tools and services are contained in the LocalServicePeerNet group. These services make it possible to identify your machine and for you to find it when you're trying to connect multiple machines together in a network.


These services allow you to communicate with your computer easily. It includes usually the Human Interface Device Access service, which makes sure your keyboard buttons work correctly, and also the Superfetch service which makes sure that files are obtained quickly when you request them.


This group relates to intranets and Internet use. These services include those things that enable communication with a Browser, with servers and routers as well as remote access with other PCs. They ensure that you're able to use the Internet correctly and - since logons and certificate management falls into this group as well - use it safely.


If netsvcs services concern the Internet, NetworkService deals with the closed network loop that you may be a part of at home or at the office. In NetworkService, you'll see services designed to work with client machines, workstations, and remote desktops.


Services located in the NetworkServiceAndNoImpersonation group are simply another step up the security ladder. Communication between machines and programs falls into this category of services.


The highest level of security for NetworkService, those listed as NetworkServiceNetworkRestricted are closely guarded elements like the IP policy for your local network.


The group of services called regsvc is likely small on your machine and includes services for remote registries. These can be necessary for programs if you're part of a network, but regsvc can also house a virus or other malware that allows remote access to your machine. The safe regsvc files that these services are attached to should be contained in the c:windowsSystem32 folder

Heads Up | Even if you suspect a service running in the regsvc Group to be malicious, don't mess with it. Stopping or deleting a service can change the behavior of a PC in unforeseeable ways. Instead, utilize a security program to try and detect problems. Security and anti-Virus programs have built-in safeties that allow them to stop, isolate and remove harmful services without triggering consequences.


rpcss services are those necessary for a client and server program to communicate properly. The services you're likely to see inside the rpcss collection include client and server processes as well as endpoints to show where the network connection stops.


The WbioSvcGroup is a very small group of services - perhaps only one - whose job is to collect biometric data from your machine. The services may also manipulate and store its collected data in the background as you work.


A full range of color is what you'll see inside the wcssvc services. The primary service in this category is for the Windows Color System that extends the factory color settings to be "vendor-specific", or better than the basics. If you disable this particular service, you won't be able to see colors correctly.


It's not that the Window's people ran out of clever names for service groups toward the end and starting tossing everything that was left into N/A. It's just that these services aren't vital to the system's normal behavior. Most will be from third parties, so while N/A isn't a catchy label, in this group you'll find everything from your instant messaging software to antimalware protection.

Some native Windows entities exist in this group as well, constituting those Windows utilities that are run on an as-needed basis, including the disk defragmenter and Windows Update. Other odds and ends fall into this catch-all as you add programs or peripheries to your machine, for example, your print spooler is here just like your fax machine and iPod service.

Head's up | The N/A group actually isn't as big a target for malware as you'd think. Most malicious code is designed to stay hidden. Hence, it's more likely for a harmful service to appear in something like the regsvc group. Even so, malware can and does appear in the N/A group, especially services belonging to malicious third-party apps that claim to be legitimate, like rogue security scanners. Here too, it's important to let validated security software stop the service for you, but sometimes you can cut a program off by stopping its service. Stopping it is certainly an option, but it should be considered a last resort.

For more information on Optimizing your PC, visit our extensive information blog at Here, you can find easy access to articles on fixing errors and optimizing all sorts of Windows functions. You can even get tips and tricks on how to navigate your way across the new frontier of Internet Social Media.

A contributing blogger for FixCleaner, Rebecca is an English teacher who specializes in teaching reading to her much beloved "at-risk" high school students. Outside of the classroom, Rebecca is a freelance content and copywriter with just enough time to spare for raising her two boys. Rebecca focuses her writing career on authority-style pieces in any number of niches and industries which makes her essentially, a full-time everything.

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Monday, October 15, 2012

The GoogleVerse: Ground Zero for the Singularity

New-Humans and the Singularity

How we interact today with the World Wide Web + Google = 'GoogleVerse' may offer a glimpse of a future shaped by mutualistic symbiosis between humans and artificial intelligence (AI) agents. Although highly rudimentary at this moment in time, the methods we currently use to communicate with Google search bots provide a foundation for the extrapolation of future interactions with the GoogleVerse. In the construct posited here, our human goal is to win high ranking in Google search results. Google's goal is to sell advertising. The path to success requires adherence to a complex set of rules and precise step-by-step procedures executed in a dynamic environment in which the rules are continuously being updated, upgraded and redefined in tune with advances in hardware and programming technologies. The exponential increases now taking place in AI processing capability and human brain augmentation are predicted by futurists to result in a milestone event in human history termed 'The Singularity'. According to the Singularity Institute in Berkeley, California, "The Singularity is the technological creation of smarter-than-human intelligence."

As human beings age, parts of our biological machinery routinely need servicing and repair-often due to faults in our biological information coding. The fact that we are gaining the ability to decode, repair, refine and improve the biological code is the premise that underlies the concept of becoming a "New-Human." Convergently, as artificial intelligence and brain-computer augmentation technologies likewise exponentially advance, New-Humans will cross the Singularity threshold and gain the capacity for a vastly increased understanding of how the universe functions. As adventurers, scientists, philosophers, writers and academics increasingly incorporate longevity enhancements into their physical bodies and enter into co-dependent relationships with AIs, they are likely to evolve into a new species, "New-Humans."

The writing is on the virtual wall for those of us that currently make our livelihood toiling in the great World Wide Web. We are involved in an explosion of new memes that provide a glimpse into the symbiotic relationships to come between New-Humans and AIs. In my endeavors, the World Wide Web is Google, plain and simple-so I will use the term 'GoogleVerse' to signify the vast information environment which will likely serve as the spawning ground, incubator and living room for the Googlet AI's emerging into the cosmos. New-Humans are evolving, AI's are evolving. the GoogleVerse is evolving. The convergence of New-Human and AI evolution will result in a New-Human Metamorphosis emergent with the onset of the "Singularity."

MaGoogle's Operant Conditioning

MaGoogle has even provided me with the materials to compose this essay (Blogger) and the conduit that connects it to the GoogleVerse (Chrome) and a place to store it (the Cloud). After days of researching, writing and editing, I will hit the 'Publish' button and broadcast my post to the GoogleVerse via Google Feedburner, then Google will receive notice of the posting, parse and cull the keywords, and send to my server account in San Diego a thank you in the form of a ping back from Google at the Dalles. Next, I will go to Google Tools and upload an updated sitemap-which is like waving my arms in class to get the teacher's attention. Since I have a Google Alert set for "human longevity and the singularity", I will look forward with anticipation to seeing the title of this very article on my blog, possibly within a few hours of publication. There is a biological basis to this reward in that it will 'feel' good (dopamine surge) to see my article published and to know that I followed the rules correctly. "There is considerable evidence that dopamine participates in both reinforcement and aversive learning." Source

Google taught me this step-by-step process through operant conditioning. In this example I want to sell a new product. My goal is to receive rewards, in this case notices from PayPal indicating that a purchases are being consummated. To get this reward/goal, I must drive traffic to my web store. To do this, Google taught me how to employ 'keywords'-those one to three or four word combinations that are absolutely critical to marketing in the GoogleVerse and which ultimately bring buyers to my site--or leave me wondering what I did wrong.

At this stage in its evolution, the GoogleVerse can be thought of as an information service based on keywords matching the interests of information seekers (or buyers) and information producers (or sellers). The new-tech version of wampum trading. Mastering this system requires selecting the most productive keywords. The entire process is one of operant conditioning in which a conditioned stimulus-correctly selecting the most promising keywords-- is matched by a conditioned response-rewards in terms of sales, money, readers, voters, etc.

Keywords Hold the Key to the GoogleVerse

Keywords are the information dialect of the GoogleVerse (a keyword may actually be composed of several words). Keywords are poignant queries into the minds of the target readers (or customers). Essentially they attempt to emulate what the target reader/buyer needs, that is types into the Google search box. Although the keyword, "weight loss" receives over 11 million global searches per month, there is considerable competition for vendors selling products using that general keyword. I am much more likely to get attention and results with a more specific keyword, like "body sculpting exercise stick." I have this awareness and insight thanks to MaGoogle.

Interested in enticing MaGoogle to send her fleet of bots to visit your website so you can score a high search ranking? First you must give her worker bots a welcome pass to your site, then you must leave keywords in strategic places, like cookie presents for Santa--all with the aim of getting the chance to show your stuff downtown on Main Street in the GoogleVerse--as opposed to being shuffled to the bottom of the search pile deck. I have a setup with windows that flash on my screens when visitors enter my sites. As soon as I see a flash, my pulse goes up (dopamine surge), which in this case may be better described as an instance of classical rather than operant conditioning.

The present-day GoogleVerse can offer a near instantaneous snapshot of what people are looking for-thus it offers clues as what people around the planet are thinking. If you type "is Obama ahead... " into the search box, Google will jump ahead and complete your query to read, "is Obama ahead in the polls" and you will receive links to nearly 25 million posts. Advances in processing speed will allow a vast amount of data like this to be analyzed and action responses initiated in nanoseconds. In effect, the GoogleVerse will sense the pulse of planet offering a real-time consensus of events, emotional responses, and probable outcomes that may eventually generate the seeds of consciousness. Ultimately, we may find that 'Enlightenment' may be stated as becoming conscious of the program that manages our consciousness

Transformation into Digital Pack Rats

As the GoogleVerse evolves and becomes more and more crammed with information, we are ourselves are evolving into ravenous consumers of data and information, so much so that we often don't read the info or master the contents, but stash it to read later. To be successful we have to be great catalogers. What we really know is how to get the information, not the depth, the beauty, or the concepts. We don't need the information today. We just need to be sure of where we can find it tomorrow. The outcome is that we tend to no longer master knowledge, just its URL.

Take as an example the long running television show, "Jeopardy", in which contestants fill in the blanks to questions posed by the host. The participants are both widely read and display phenomenal recall. But anyone can answer those same questions in nearly the same amount of time using Google search. If New-Humans do experience multi-century lifespans, would they want to tie up their onboard, neural memory banks with details about past events? Why would they? How will this change our perceptions of knowledge and wisdom?

Omniscient GoogleVerse

I spend a dozen or so hours every day actively doing research and writing and monitoring my web businesses. Everything I do is intimately connected to the GoogleVerse. I think of MaGoogle as a mentor and I ask her question after question as I seek specific information. As I mentioned, I have MaGoogle watching for keywords for topics that I am interested in and she reports within moments when someone publishes something about them on the web. And she now refines her responses to my search queries based upon where (she thinks) I am physically located.

From the Google developer's point of view, the company's operations may seem like an immense real estate business, selling the top floor vista view to the highest bidders. Or perhaps not... maybe they have something else in mind-like conceiving, nurturing and parenting an omniscient super AI being. At some point in the future, Google will possess every bit of information ever written and spoken. It will be on the path to becoming an omniscient being. It will know where we are in the GoogleVerse and what we are doing 24/7. "What would be the social, moral, economic impacts if every child, woman and man wore a bracelet or had an implant that relayed their exact location, 24 hours per day." Omniscient GPS

The GoogleVerse's remarkable capability to construct our unique personal profile gathered from tidbits and bytes scattered as we surf the global web and to offer us related items of interest or products for sale may seem like we now have MaGoogle at our side whenever and where ever we venture-which may be of concern to privacy mavens. But to futurists, it offers a real-life example of the early stages in the co-evolution of New-Humans and the GoogleVerse. Google's acquisition of Motorola could expand the GoogleVerse into the real, physical world of brain augmentation, new sensory systems, and direct-thought communication systems based upon hybrid biological/AI neural networks.

Ready, Set, Wait!

New-Humans need to get themselves into top physical and mental shape in anticipation of the coming Singularity, so we offer diet and exercise programs in the New-Humans Metamorphosis Club (membership is currently free).

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Fun Learning With iPad Apps

The iPad has made learning more fun for kids through educational games apps. It's no wonder some parents don't hesitate in shelling out cash for iPad purchases. Here are some apps that kids will certainly enjoy and that will make parents happy too:

Play Zone app (Free)
Through four different characters (princess, athlete, doctor, and firefighter), preschoolers get to learn and practice basic math skills, as well as apply their skills in observation and figuring out patterns through the six games within each character. The Dress Up game explores the different outfits and tools of each character. The Discover game allows the player to watch animations to learn more about the chosen character. The Spot the Difference game challenges the preschooler to spot the differences between two similar pictures. The Addictive Patterns game introduces the player to identifying patterns and recognizing the next item in a pattern. Add Fun is the app's addition problem game, while Take Away is its subtraction problem game. The last two games make learning basic math fun for the preschooler through the use of visual images of the math problems.
Farm Joy & Co ($1.99)
This app is designed for children two to six years old. It lets kids explore the differences of the four seasons in a farm setting. The player can touch buttons to see the seasons change, hear the noises different farm animals make, and engage in an interactive activity specific to a season (such as building a snowman in the winter). There are also three educational games in the app. It has 12 animal puzzle games where the player just drags a piece to the right spot and it will lock in place. It also has a memory game using farm animals and vegetables. The last game, a hidden object game, is perhaps the best reason for spending cash for iPad apps such as this one as it will keep youngsters occupied for hours while learning and having fun in the process.
Geo Bee Challenge ($1.99)
Do you want your kid to be a geography whiz? Maybe send him or her to the next Nat Geo Bee? Then why not download the app from the masters themselves, the National Geographic Society? Your kid will surely enjoy the three games found in one app. There's a round where your kid can choose from multiple answers. You know the app won't repeat questions because it is packed with more than 1,000 questions. Of course, as expected, there's a map challenge round where the kid can locate specific places from a map. And then, there's the bonus round where the player will guess the location of something from an interactive map. This is certainly one app that will let your kids enjoy learning.

Getting these apps is easy and affordable, so think twice before you sell old iPad, unless you want to get rid of the old one because you are buying the new iPad. Kids will surely appreciate the iPad more with these educational apps.

Yvette Divino is a freelance writer. She is writing stuff about business and technology (especially electronics, tablet, iPad tablet). Sometimes she tends to write articles for marketing, internet, and computers. She's now currently writing an article for Cash For iPads, you maysell an ipad to them.

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Drafts 2.0 for iOS Users

Like any other techno geek Apple users too are looking to do something new with their device. Take for instance the new update on Drafts for iOS devices. This interface enables in quickly jotting down the notes, tweeting, creating list and other such functionalities that require drafts for content creation and text. It also includes the functionality of sharing so now you can share your creation that you have jotted immediately across various social media. Let us find out more about Drafts 2.0 that is available for iPad and iPhone users.

What is Drafts?

A well-known app for iOS users that enables in taking notes, creating lists, jotting down ideas immediately and comes equipped with sharing functionality. The interface of this app is simple and easy to use; it also allows a user to send the document to other apps. You also have a sharing option to share it across your social media accounts.

This app has been updated recently in the month of August. If you are looking forward to download this app on your iPhone then you can do so with mere $1.99, if you want it for you iPad then you need to shell out $2.99.

What is Drafts 2.0 all about?

Initially when you launch the app of Drafts on iPhone you will be greeted with a blank sheet. You will be able to see a row of buttons in the middle and a keyboard. You can easily create a new blank note or document utilizing the button functionality. You can also view previous notes, search documents and share with quick view option.

Using Drafts for creating notes and sharing

For creating a blank new document you need to go to the app and launch it, then immediately begin typing test. Interestingly Drafts has no save button as the content gets auto-saved as soon as you start entering text, also the initial text entered in the drafts will be automatically added as the title to your document. You need not tap or swipe for creating a draft, a quick jotting down will help in easily creating notes or enter contact info.

As for those who are conscious of the word limit while creating a note, draft comes loaded with a feature that keeps a word count. As soon as you start entering words you will see a running word count displayed on the screen along with the number of character count. Now you can easily choose to create text for Twitter and keep a count of the number of characters accordingly. You can create texts via typing or through voice dictation feature supported by Drafts.

If you want to add notes or lists that are longer than usual then you can:

• Swipe down the keyboard
• A full screen will appear
• A Link Icon will appear at the bottom of the row
• Tap the Link Button
• Now you can create URL, e-mail ids, addresses, contacts

For the purpose of sharing your document you need to:

• Tap the Share button
• Sharing options will be revealed
• Social media options like Facebook, Dropbox and Twitter will appear for instant sharing
• Change the font, size and background color with Appearance
• Go to Settings to include the items in the sharing list and the order of appearance
• Settings>Manage Actions to turn the functionality on/off for sharing

You can also synchronize your drafts with various devices via Simperium. This can be enabled through two simple steps that can be enabled with the Settings option. Create an account with Simperium and you are ready to synchronize your drafts.

In the Accounts section of Settings you will be easily able to share your notes on social media accounts. For undo or redo options you would still need to rely upon the buttons included in the keyboard located next to navigation buttons.

Now after going through the descriptive article on Drafts 2.0 it is needless to say that you will be easily able to create your jottings and lists with ease. Sharing your creations online is made easy with this updated version and synchronizing is enabled via Simperium.

She is a Technology writer who is keen on any new emerging technology updates. She is working with Qresolve as a Technical Support Engineer. Semeli Karen McPherson has been offering online tech support to global customers for issues related to laptops, desktops, Mac and devices including iPods, tablets, iPhones, computer support and more.She caters to the segment of core technology and provides viable solutions to any issues related to technology and software. Her expertise and skills in handling key technology issues is immaculate and quick result bearing. Through her articles and postings she aims to provide knowledge and solutions to common technology issues that a user faces.

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Computer Repair Is Important for Any Business or Individual

Computers are a vital necessity in the world we live in today, and if your PC isn't operating properly - computer repair may be the answer you've been looking for. For many, when the computer starts to run slow, the monitor turns blue or black, or you can't get your computer to turn on - or turn off, they take this as a sign that they may need a new PC. This is not always the correct answer, and in fact there are many people that have given away excellent computers that may have only needed a little TLC.

You will discover that there is a wide range of computer repair facilities that can not only repair your PC, but they can restore it right back to the day you brought it home the very first time. Computer repair is available for those that may need special work performed as well. If you are looking for upgrades such as hard drives, Ram, DVD drive replacements, or a new case, all of this is and more will be available at a computer repair service near you.

Now, PC repair isn't only limited to hardware issues. Many people may feel that because their computer screen has turned all blue or black while the unit is on, is all related to hardware problems. This couldn't be further from the truth. The truth is, 70% of the time when a computer is having an issue such as the deathly 'Blue or Black' screen, there is a software issue. These issues will be handled just as well when working with computer repair company. Many times the problems can be traced to software that is either not installed properly, or corrupt files are present.

If you've been having problems with your PC overheating, not connecting properly, not loading programs, not starting, starting but not providing a log-in screen, allowing you to log-in but not launching programs, making noises, or not reading your CD's or DVD's, all you'll need to do is contact your local representative that handles computers, and you will more than likely get the problem solved in no time at all. The biggest issue with computers today is getting to the problem before it gets worse.

Although the above statement is true for almost all items that need repair, it is especially true when it comes to computers. In fact, computer viruses are on the rise and more times than not, computer viruses or Malware of any type will render your PC in-operable. With that being said, it will be very important to have your PC checked in order to make sure you don't have a potential problem down the road. The longer the PC runs without proper maintenance, the harder the problem becomes when it's time for repair.

If you've been thinking about computer repair and aren't really sure which way to turn, there will be computer repair in your area that can help you with all your needs.

2701 West Calle Carapan, Tucson, AZ
(520) 271-9926 (Mobile) -
Computer Repair Tucson

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Will eReaders Replace Books?

If you are not sure about getting an eReader (digital eBook reader), let me reassure you - I've been there myself. Not only was I hesitant about giving up on the good old paper books, but I was also hesitant about the need for a dedicated digital eReader rather than simply using my smartphone or iPad for that. But what I have found during the last months is that my Kindle Touch has improved my life in a way I couldn't have anticipated until I owned one.

First of all - it's compact. The Kindle Touch can store literally thousands of books but weighs only 7.5 ounces and fits easily in your pocket. The iPad weighs three times that, not to mention paper books. Think about all those nights reading in bed tying to hold a hardcover book in one hand. Phew... these days are over.

Second, when you think about all benefits, the Kindle Touch is ridiculously cheap. I mean, think about how much you're going to save only by cutting storage costs for all the paper books you're not going to buy or move around. That's going to cost more than a hundred bucks for sure.

Also, have you ever tried to read a book on an iPad or on your smartphone? Reading from the Kindle Touch is like reading from printed paper thanks to e-ink technology. Quite frankly - the first time I saw it I couldn't believe it, it looked like printed paper. So not only will your eyes get the good old feeling of printed paper, but amazingly enough, they won't ever get tired either. And as with paper books, reading under direct sunlight is not a problem.

If English is not your mother tongue then you're going to love this: Throw away your fat dictionaries! Tap on any word and your Kindle Touch will translate it for you instantly. It has a built-in dictionary!

If you like to enrich your reading experience, the Kindle Touch lets you share and read fellow-readers comments as you go along. This really makes reading an exciting experience. And if you ever get tired of reading, your Kindle Touch can do the reading for you. It has a built-in text-to-speech engine and offers a selection of voices and paces. It sounds so natural you won't believe your ears.So what else is so cool about the Kindle Touch? It runs forever! Forget what you know about smartphones or tablets. A single charge lasts 3-4 weeks with normal use. You could actually go on a trip and leave the charger at home. Try to leave your smartphone or iPad uncharged for a day or two, see what happens.

And we haven't even discussed the rich library of books that is now instantly available to you on Amazon. All the books you'll ever need, all available online. Some are even offered for free

Bottom line - getting an eReader is the perfect choice for folks who like to read. It's going to save you a lot of money in the long term and it retains the look and feel or a printed book.

If you'd like to learn more about why getting a Kindle Touch is probably the best choice you can make if you like reading books to to - we're waiting for you!

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Scan Books to PDF

So you have a lot of books. Great, but where do you put them? With space becoming an issue everywhere, whether it's where we work or where we live, it seems that whatever we can fit in that we truly need stays and what can be substituted goes. But how could you possibly substitute your dear book collection? Well quite easily if you're not too attached simply by hiring a professional company to scan books to PDF.

Perhaps you think you could do this by yourself and you won't need a professional company to help you out with it. This is true, you can do it yourself but consider how much of your time it would take to scan in potentially thousands of pages which you sort of hope will come out looking good and aligned perfectly. The adjustments alone after scanning can be a total time killer in itself.

This is why it's always best to leave it to the professionals, to people who have experience and knowledge and know how to correctly scan books to PDF and who can throw in a few perks on top. Professional document scanning companies do this as a profession, it's what they're good at. They will essentially take your book and after you have chosen one of their scanning methods (usually debound, if you're OK with your books being taken apart or intact conversion, more suitable and ideal for rarer or more fragile books that you need to keep in good condition), they will scan in your book and convert the scanned pages into a PDF for you. On top of that some companies offer a service known as OCR.

OCR, or optical character recognition as it is commonly known will allow your books to be made searchable when they are on your computer or tablet device. This makes finding references, numbers and names incredibly easy, especially as a lot of professional OCR systems these days are amazingly accurate. You can scan your books to PDF as you wish, but what you'll come out with is essentially a flat PDF with no searching capabilities like a professional company can offer. If you don't require OCR though, that's not a problem either, especially as OCR costs next to nothing in terms of price.

Speaking of price, it might come as some surprise to you to realise that to professionally scan books to PDF costs very little, as low as 10p per page. This makes it all the more accessible and all the more acceptable as a way to get professionals to convert your books for you into a digital format.

Often if you supply a larger quantity of books the price will come down too, much like anything else for sale in the world; the more you buy, the cheaper the overall cost will be for you.

However to ensure the company you have chosen to scan books to PDF offers a quality service, it is always better to just send them one and most companies will offer a trial run of a few pages so you can assess the quality for yourself.

If you want to know more about how companies scan books to PDF, visit our website.

Also keep in mind that many of these companies will also scan to other formats including editable Microsoft Word format, HTML and e-reader formats that will work on your tablets and e-reader devices.

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Friday, October 12, 2012

Reverse Phone Lookup Service: Free or Paid?

Reverse phone lookup service has become a popular tool for those wondering who is calling them. It is so popular these days that it is possible to find both services offered free of charge as well as those that will set you back a little bit of money each month. Why would you ever pay for something that you can get for free? As you can only expect there are a number of benefits to reverse phone lookups that require a payment compared to those offering their services for free.

Free Vs. Paid: You Decide

There are always advantages of paying for something, and there is no exception to that when it comes to reverse phone number services. Should you wonder who is calling your cell phone, home or business, paying a small monthly fee will provide you with a greater chance of learning the information that you need to know. Regardless of the type of number that this anonymous person is calling from, a paid service can give you all of the details and help you get to the bottom of who is calling you.

Although a free service may be able to provide you with information about certain numbers there is a good chance that you will not have access to numbers that are unpublished, or those that are coming from cell phones. Anyone calling from a cell phone is harder to trace, and you can count on it always being more difficult to determine who it is calling.

Free services may also limit the number of searches that can be conducted in a month, a step that can prevent you from getting the information you need when you want it. With a paid service you can count on getting unlimited searches 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, meaning you will always know for certain who it is calling you, whether it is a landline, a cell or an unpublished number.

There's nothing to Lose

If you take a look at the various reverse number search companies that are out there you will see that the costs are always very minimal. No matter who you are you can easily afford the few cents it cots to have this unlimited search in your fingertips. You need nothing more than a computer, Internet connection and a credit or debit card to get in on the fun of reverse number lookup.

It is so easy to use and can be done from any computer or iPhone anytime that you really need to know. Whatever reason you need to know who is calling, this is the service that helps you quickly and easily find out. Although the free services are great, be sure that you check out what you can gain with a paid service as well. There are many benefits that you are sure to love, all helping you put an end to those questions of who is calling you. It is well-worth your time and the few dollars that you will spend per month.

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Windows Installer Error - How to Fix Windows Installer Errors

Windows installer errors are among the most critical problems that occur in most computer systems. You're likely to experience such errors if you're the type that uses your computer for wide variety of window-based purposes. Windows installer errors can be very dangerous when you fail to tackle them at the initial stages. Your system can easily crash if such errors keep coming up. They can as well damage the system's hard disk and other vital hardware. You can always fix windows installer errors by following the tips discussed below.

• Run Windows Update
Taking time to run windows update can help in fixing widows installer errors. You can easily perform the task by opening the windows update dialogue box through the control panel. You can adjust the update settings the ways you want. You must be connected to the internet to run the windows update. You have to click "check for updates" and then click "install updates" at the end. You may be prompted to key in the administrator password before the updates will be installed. You'll also exercise patient to get the updates installed. At the end of it all, you have to restart the computer to effect the changes. This helps in correcting the windows installer errors.

• Use a Registry Cleaner to Repair Windows Installer Errors
Oftentimes windows installer errors occur as a result of corrupt files in the system's registry. You can easily fix the errors by using a good registry cleaner. There are many of such applications online. Many of them are available for free download while some others are sold at affordable prices. You can try using the free types if you don't have enough money to pay for the sold applications. In most cases, the free types don't usually come with all the necessary features that can fix system's registry errors. You really have to purchase a good registry cleaner that can help you out. You don't need to spend much since many of them are very cheap. Once you download the registry cleaner, you simply follow the onscreen instructions to get it installed. You'll then go ahead to run a full scan of your system's registry. During the scanning process, several errors will be detected by the application. Windows installer errors will also be detected along the line. The registry cleaner will also fix all the errors once you click the right button.

In all, there's a need to study various registry cleaner reviews before you decide on using any of them. You also need to make proper inquiries before you decide to purchase any of them. With such applications, you can always fix windows installer errors any time they occur.

SmartPCFixer is a top-ranking error-resolution registry cleaner which will fix the computer errors and optimize the system settings. You can scan, clean, optimize, and keep your PC much healthier with it!

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Obsolete Before Its Time

Just when I was getting used to compact disks, iPods and flash drives made them old fashioned. No-iron clothes spelled the doom for irons in the young homes. The handy public telephones that cost a dime a call are now replaced with three hundred-dollar-a-year cellphone contracts. Shared music in the park coming out of fancy boomboxes have disappeared in favor of 'earbuds' and headphones. For years I have been saving up for a laptop only to find that they are fast becoming obsolete in favor of notebooks and iPads.

I-phones do take pictures now but no sharp telephoto shots or portraits since the zooming feature is just a cropping feature. In grammar school we used to send coded notes to our friends, occasionally getting caught by the teacher who made us read them out loud. Now even adults are texting their coded messages to each other, usually containing the same baneful thoughts. A nice watch used to be a prized possession but now digitalized time stares at us from cellphones, ovens, microwaves, TVs and iPod players. Once proud of my DVD collection of movies, I am now embarrassed to admit to my guests that it isn't BLURAY.

The fairly new tube type TV that I have in my cellar entertainment room doesn't accept digital signals or the new HD channels. In fact my cablevision company now does not even send out analog signals, turning it into a seventy-five pound paper weight. I guess I'll just have to pack it away with the rabbit ears and roof antenna.

Local libraries are fast losing funds from state and local governments. They say the future lies in nooks and electronic reading. What Barnes and Noble does not say is that those unlimited free books now cost fifteen dollars each and can only be read in the park for a few hours before the batteries run out. I read four books a week and live on social security. An extra sixty dollars a week is not in my budget.

A few months ago I dutifully exchanged all our Edison filament bulbs for the new twisted spiral fluorescents. It seemed marvelous that we got the same light (almost) with one quarter of the electricity. Now I read that the future in lighting will be taken over by LEDs at three times the cost. I'm all for progress but at least give us a little time to enjoy the new inventions!

About the Author: A retired portrait and wedding photographer, I enjoy writing, how to articles, helpful articles on photography and many other subjects. My hobbies include quartet singing, shop, bicycling and photography. Please visit my web site at and [Articles, Digital Art, Poetry, Original sheet music.]

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tips for Using Voice Dictation to Blog on the New iPad

Wouldn't it be great if blogging were as simple as sitting down with a friend to share a story, your thoughts, or a point of view? Oh, to be freed from the computer keyboard and writer's block - to be able to simply say what is on your mind without freezing up in front of the computer screen without any idea what to write? Well, now it can be that simple.

Whether you are an aspiring writer or a professional who wants to share your knowledge and opinions with the world - whether it is writing about food, pets, cars, reporting the news, or simply keeping an online journal - blogging just got easier with the help of Apple's new iPad, featuring voice dictation. When combined with the blogging app Blogsy, the iPad becomes the ultimate tool for bloggers. I am going to explain to you how easy it is to use. Before you begin blogging, you will need to establish a site for your blog. There are plenty of free options on the web like Blogger, WordPress, Moveable Type, and Drupal, all of which only take a few minutes to set up and even offer themes to make your blog unique. then you can get started.

Step 1: Setting up Blogsy

The first thing you have to do is set up Blogsy with your blogging account. Open Blogsy and click on the gear icon in the lower right corner. This will bring up the Setting tab, where you will find several options like Service Settings, General Settings, How-To Videos, FAQs, and few others. Tap on Service Settings and you will be presented with a list of blogging platforms. Select the platform you have chosen on which to blog, enter your account details, and tap Sign In. Then head back out to the main input screen and get ready to starting blogging!

Step 2: Writing your post with voice dictation

Now that you have ready to write, let's go over the Blogsy interface. Across the top of your screen, you will see a toolbar that features all of your text editing tools. Positioned vertically on the right are options from which you can pull in media (pictures and videos). The majority of your screen is made up of the text or input box, which is broken into two parts, the title and the body.

Now, let's get to the part you have been waiting for - blogging with your voice. It is as easy as pushing a button.


A blog post's title is very important. The title not only attracts readers, but it is also what Google's web crawlers will find when cataloging your site's data. Make it short, catchy, and to the point. Tap on the grayed-out word, "Untitled." A cursor will appear, and the on-screen keyboard will pop up. To the left of the space bar is a microphone; this is the button to activate/deactivate the voice dictation function. When you are ready to begin, tap the button, wait for the chime, speak your title, then tap the button again. Within a second or two, your words should appear exactly as spoken. A word of advice: When you are using voice dictation, remember that the microphone is on the top of the device (look for the hole directly above the camera on the aluminum side). It helps to lean the iPad toward you when speaking. It is also very important to speak slowly and enunciate your words. Try not to whisper or use slang, as the iPad will probably get it wrong, and you will just end up wasting time with edits.


Now tap directly below the title in the body box so that you can begin to write your post in the same manner. While the dictation feature is powerful, it is not without limitations. It would be nice to talk continuously until you have finished your thought, but you risk overloading the iPad and losing some of what you said. Pace your thoughts, speaking one or two sentences at a time.

And that's it! Simply continue to follow this method of speaking slowly and clearly, taking breaks between thoughts, and you'll have a complete blog post in far less time than it would have taken to type.

Step 3: Adding images or videos to your post

Images within a blog post help the reader visualize your thought, so they are important to include. Blogsy makes adding media extremely easy with its ability to drag and drop images and videos from multiple sources, including YouTube, Flickr, Google Images, the Internet, and your own photo files, as well as images stored in your WordPress image library.

For additional information about iPad such as price, specs, and review, visit iPad 3 Prices to get a better knowledge about the new iPad.

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How to Make the Most Out of Every Ink Print Cartridge

Many people focus on buying a good quality printer, and that is certainly an important decision, but they forget that how you treat your ink cartridge has a big impact on the quality of your pages!

Some of the nicest printers use up ink very quickly, which means your documents often look less than perfect in a short period of time. If you are interested in making your ink last longer, read on to find out how...

Be careful about which font size you write with: Compare the size of your favourite fonts; a font that is a little smaller than another generally takes less ink to create. There are also fonts that you can download for free online that were made to be better for the environment.

These fonts may save you around 20 percent of your ink in comparison to what you are currently using. If you aren't interested in downloading anything, simply try not to bold your text as often, pick smaller fonts and be concise in your writing.

Look through your documents before sending them to the printer: This ensures that you are only printing what you need. If you have a ten page document, but you only need to use five pages of it, adjust the settings on your printer to make sure that you only get the important text.

Also, if you want to print out something that has pictures, think about whether or not you need those images. If not, copy and paste the article into Word, delete the pictures and then print the information.

There is also an option called "draft output" in Word that will allow you to print only the text. Finally, if you are printing out something that you have written, make sure you look over it several times before you print it. Even one little error could cause you to print out a document more than once, wasting unnecessary ink.

Pay attention to your settings: Make the "low quality" print option the default for your device; while you can change it yourself each time you print a document, it is something that is easy to forget to do if you are in a hurry. You are much more likely to switch it to high quality when you need it than you are to change it to low quality every time that you print something out!

Search online for instructions about changing your default settings; the process is quite easy, and you will save a lot of ink as a result.

Finally, try to print with black ink as much as possible. A colour cartridge is much more expensive than a black one. While this tip won't necessarily keep you from going through cartridges any faster, it will save you money in the long run.

Anyone that has a printer knows that it can be a struggle to keep your ink levels high. Take the information in this article and use it to extend the longevity of your print cartridge!

Want free printable calendars for the home, office or school? Visit my site to download yours now. And if you need to print a calendar in a hurry try these photo calendar printers for starters!

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How To Stay Safe When Browsing Online

When surfing online, there are an unlimited number of threats and attackers just waiting for you to fall into their trap. It is now more important than ever to stay secure, with a lot of people practically running their whole lives online, they shop, bank and socialize, if an attacker was to gain all your data, passwords or secrets they can pretty easily turn your life upside down.

There are a number of techniques you can perform to help yourself stay secure. Firstly we will talk about antivirus and firewall protection, these two pieces of software are essential for any computer connected to the internet. There are plenty of free programs available to download with a simple Google search.

Next we will talk about updates. Make sure that all software, and especially your operating system, is regularly updated. This will ensure any security patches have been applied making your computer immune or better defended against malware and security threats. Automatic updates can be turned on to ensure no update is ever missed or forgotten.

The next thing that needs to be looked at would be your browser, because this is the windows to the internet and is where any malware will come from, choosing a secure browser is important. For security I'm incline to say anything but Internet Explorer due to recent security holes. My favorite for security is Firefox; this is due to all the add-ons available.

As mentioned above there are add-ons which can be obtained (for free) for your browser, some of the best include WOT (web of trust), this add-on provides ratings for each site you visit and any search results in Google, it works on a traffic light system which provides a green light for safe, an amber for unknown and a red light for unsafe, this means you know which sites are safe or not before you even visit the site.

Another, and the last add-on we will mention is Browser Protect, this add-on protects your browser from various modifications such as stopping any malware changing your home page or hijacking your browser. There are literally thousands of add-ons available, just have a browse on the official Firefox website and pick any that you like.

By following all the above tips you will increase your online safety tenfold, however all of the tips are useless if you don't exercise common sense. If you have any doubts about a website or link, don't visit or click it. If you think you have an infection simply run a scan with your antivirus and it should detect and clean any malware up.

For More Computer Guides Please Visit This Link: Teach Computers

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Is Cell Phone Repair Worth It?

Having your handheld device repaired can be better and more cost effective than having to pay your mobile phone insurance deductible. If you take a look at the price of a mobile device out of contract you'll see that these little devices aren't cheap at all, and in fact many of them cost over $500 USD! That isn't the price that you paid for your phone though, is it? That is because the stores that sell mobile phones get paid for every contract that they sign you up for, and if you terminate your contract early they'll still get their money. handheld device insurance can be a good investment if you lose your device, but with sites like eBay, Craigslist, and amazon it can be cheaper to get a new handheld device than making an insurance claim. So, is cell phone repair worth it?

Did you break you digitizer by dropping your phone? Many people every day drop their phones on the pavement, in the toilet, and places that are way beyond me. Now, to get your digitizer repaired by a cell phone repair specialist this will cost you under $120 USD on an iPhone 4. The cost to have your insurance replace your iPhone with a refurbished device is $180 for an iPhone 4 if you have your insurance through Assurion. This does not include your monthly deductible that you have been paying every month through your carrier, and they make money off of that too. I've found that the average monthly premium price is around $10 USD even for your iPhone 4. A little bit of elementary math will show you that having your digitizer replaced by a mobile device repair specialist is cheaper, and a broken screen is something that Apple will not cover under their warranty.

I know you must be thinking that having mobile device insurance is a rip-off, and it can be depending on your view of the situation. These phone insurance companies buy broken phones in bulk, and repair them. Then they ship one of those mobile phones to you. I have taken apart a couple of those refurbished phones, and some are missing screws, show signs of water damage, and the list could go on and on. If you lost your cell phone you could get a used one off of one of the sites stated above for about the same price as your deductible. With handheld device repair becoming more prominent in larger cities, it will become easier for you to find a cell phone repair center near you. I've seen a lot of these device repair agencies pop up over night it seems, and you may want to be careful about who you choose.

I would do my research before I need this type of service, so that way you aren't scrambling to make a decision on a company. I would follow these rules when choosing a mobile device repair company: Do they list their prices on their website? If they do they are more likely not to change their pricing on a regular basis, and they should know their market. Do they offer a warranty? Most of the handheld device repair companies that I have found offer a warranty of at least 90 days. Do they have parts in stock? Any one of these companies that has been around for a while is going to have parts in stock for the more popular phones that they service, because no one wants to wait. Do they take mail in phones? The strongest of these companies are ready to accept phones from anywhere in the world. Most of the time they can get your phone back to you in less time than your insurance can.

We can all hope that we never drop our phones, run them over, or take them for a swim. Honestly the chances of this happening are greater than you finding $5 dollars on the sidewalk. We all may need a great cell phone repair service one day, but we all don't need cell phone insurance. It is a great waste of money, and although it is only $10 a month. Ten dollars a month over a year is the same price of having your screen replaced, and if your a habitual cell phone fumble and miss offender, get an Otter Box!

This article was wrote by Tony Jackson for Colorado iPhone Repair 2230 W. Colorado Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (719) 214-9499. Tony has been in the cell phone industry for many years specializing in Cell Phone Repair. At Colorado iPhone Repair they specialize in the repair of cell phones including iPhones, iPods, and iPads. They offer a mail in service to get your mobile phone fixed at your convenience. Colorado iPhone Repair has been in business for over 3 years, and have 5 star ratings on and

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Monday, October 8, 2012

Why Soundproofing Your Office Is a Good Idea

Most of us adults wake up every day with the primary purpose of going to work. In order to earn our bread and butter, we continue to work for long strenuous hours and finally, when our exhaustion reaches its peak, we decide to return home.

The idea of going back to your home is a source of tremendous joy in itself, but it also has something to do with the peaceful atmosphere we are unable to find at work. Our home is our sanctuary, where we can relax ourselves as well as our minds.

Our workplace, however, is our platform where we have to perform and shine every day. While striving to perform we expect our workplace to be uncomfortable, or even hostile. However, it's not necessary for your workplace to be this way.

Regardless of our profession, we all at one time work in an office. As stated above, we expect our office to have a different atmosphere as compared to our homes. What we don't realize is that we can easily improve the condition of our office. One of the biggest reasons why we don't have an appropriate ambiance in our office is lack of soundproofing.

We are exposed to sounds all the time. Sounds, which after climbing a certain high level of audibility, are termed as noises. Now this can be outside traffic, operation of heavy equipment at the workplace or just the menial chatter of staff members. Nevertheless, these unwanted noises keep on accumulating, and this buildup can have a very grim impact on us.

A silent and peaceful environment is extremely important for you to be able to concentrate on your work. Being constantly disturbed by irritating sounds cannot only make it difficult for you to focus, but can also induce panic and anxiety.

This is where soundproofing comes in to play. By having your office soundproofed, you ensure that external noises are unable to penetrate the office confines. Moreover, it helps you keep the internal sounds at bearable levels as well.

Soundproofing isn't a complicated measure, all you need is a basic idea of how it works. In order to sound proof a place, you can make use of acoustical panels. Acoustical panels are covering materials which help you improve the noise reduction insulation of your office.

Noise reduction insulation is the means by which you keep the noise levels to comfortable levels inside your office. The use of acoustical panels is important regarding noise reduction insulation as these panels are responsible for absorbing unwanted, internal as well as external, sounds.

Acoustical panels, now, come in a variety of colors and designs and, therefore, can also be used for decorative purposes. You can further improve your office's noise reduction insulation by getting the external walls covered with fences, if possible.

Hopefully, with the help of this article you, will be clearer on acoustical panels and how they can be used to improve your office's noise reduction insulation.

For more info from Rinda L Martin about acoustical panels or noise reduction insulation, visit

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First Things To Do With Your New Android Phone

So, now that you have purchased your new Android phone, there are a lot of things you can do with it to make your life easier. A search on Google could end up with a thousand things easily, but which ones should have priority? Below is a list of first things to do with your new android phone:

Set up your contact list

Since the primary function of the android phone is, "a phone", the absolute first thing in setting up your new android phone should be to set up the contacts. With the contacts populated you can easily use it to make and receive calls. The easiest way to set up the contact list is to set up a Google Gmail account and put all your contacts in it, and then set up your phone to sync with your Google Gmail account. At this point, your contacts can be updated either from a computer or from your phone, and they will be fully synchronized all the time.

Get your new android apps

Android Play Store contains thousands of apps. Some are paid, and some are free. It is important to know that even for paid apps, there is a trial period of 15 minutes. Yes, if you don't like the app you have just downloaded, you have 15 minutes to request a Refund, and your credit card will not be charged. So feel free to try them all, knowing that you can't get screwed. One more hint, if you Buy an app, and did not download it for 2 hours, the purchase will be automatically cancelled without any action from your side.

Get your android accessories

The most important accessory on my list is a screen protector. I can live with scratches on any part of my phone, but I cannot tolerate scratches on the screen. I spend good money and time to put on my screen protector. The next thing is a case. Depending on how active is your lifestyle, a case that is right for the event is an important investment. I always have multiple cases for my android phone, so that I can "dress it for the event". In addition, wired and wireless headsets are also very good choices to enhance your experience.

I hope that's enough to get you started. If you have questions, comments, or tips for other new Android owners, please share with us in the comments.

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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Laser Distance Measurement Devices - A Primer

Laser distance measurement devices are the fastest and most accurate way to collect measurements - especially, if those are multiple. You can measure distances at the push of a button or in just seconds, using one hand. This translates to savings in time and money. As with other electronic items, prices are falling and capabilities are increasing.

How they work is straight forward. A pulse of laser light is sent to a target and the reflection is detected. The time separating these two events is captured and converted into distance. The formula being implemented is simple: Distance = (Speed X Time) / 2. Speed, of course, is the speed of light which is roughly 300,000 kilometers per second. To resolve distances of 1 millimeter, the meter must be capable of measuring time intervals of the order of billionths of a second. As incredible as this sounds, it is within the capability of state-of-the-art Time-to-Digital-Converters (TDC's).

There are several dozen laser distance meters available on today's market. Brands like Leica, Bosch and Fluke have the most dominant presence. Some of their more popular models of two of these brands are touched upon below.


The DLR130K is the most basic device in the Bosch product line. It is also the smallest and least expensive laser distance meter in the world. It can measure up to 130 feet with an error margin of 1.5 millimeter. It can calculate area, volume, add, subtract and measure in continuous mode.
The Bosch GLR225 is a Bosch DLR130K that measures up to 225 feet and has more features. It can calculate minimum/maximum distance, indirect length and multi-surface area measurements. It is a professional tool.
The Bosch GLR500 can measure up to 500 feet with an accuracy of plus or minus 1.0 millimeter. It is suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications. It can do everything that the GLR225 does plus multi-cornered room area, tilt measurement and the stake out function. It is cheaper and better than similar meters from other manufacturers.
The Bosch GLR825 is the most advanced meter in the Bosch laser distance meter product line and a world record holder for maximum range. It can measure up to 825 feet with an incredible accuracy of 1.0 millimeter. It adds to the GLR500 an 1.6x magnification digital camera for locating the laser point on remote targets.

Leica Geosystems

The Disto D2 is built for indoor applications and holds the world record for sales volume. Its measuring range is 197 feet with an accuracy of 1.5 millimeter. It can calculate area and volume, add, subtract, measure in continuous mode, find the maximum and minimum and calculate indirect length.
The D210XT is similar to the Disto D2, only much more robust. It holds the highest environmental certification, IP65, ensuring it is protected against jet water, dust and 6-foot drops.
The Disto D330 can measure from 1 inch to 300 feet with an accuracy of plus or minus 1.0 millimeter. It can do everything done by the Disto D2, plus smart horizontal mode, automatic calculation of room dimensions and of polygon areas. The D330i version offers Bluetooth connectivity to a computer for fast data transfer.
The Disto D5 adds greater capability to the D3 family. For an extra cost of $170 it extends the maximum range to 650 feet, offers measurement of roof slopes and facade areas, and far targeting with a digital point finder. It is in the same league as the GLR825, just more expensive.
The Disto D8 is the most state-of-the-art and versatile laser distance meter in the world. It is a Disto D5 that can measure heights without a reflection point, can measure roof slopes from remote distances and can determine ground profiles. Its most notable feature is its Bluetooth feature that allows it to link to computers and transmit stored data wirelessly and reliably.

Laser distance measuring devices have a wide variety of uses, from map making to civil engineering to sports. They can also be used in the military to provide precise information about targets for snipers or artillery, for reconnaissance and for engineering. Police often use them during crime scene investigation. Engineers and scientists frequently use laser measuring devices to construct 3D models of structures.

To learn more about Leica laser meters, Bosch and other popular models, please visit:

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