Friday, July 29, 2011

I hate sneezing.

Well in next few sentences I will be discussing what had happened to me an year ago. I don't know how I fall into an allergic disease which troubled me a lot. I got the problems in my nose.

When ever I inhale some dust, I start sneezing!!!

In the morning when I used to wash my face and if any drop of water enter into my nose, then again sneezing start!!!

Even when I used to listen song with head phone, the sound entering in my ears resulted into continuous sneezing!!!

Finally I went to an ENT specialist to have some treatment. He just gave me a tablet to be taken one in a day and nasal spray. Within two months the problem was over but still I am keeping myself from cold and dust.. But now I can play music on my headphone at full sound.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It's so fun in Facebook!

I always check my facebook account because I want to check on my restaurant city. I'm 18 years old and yet I am playing it. Its just fun and it entertains me. Even the other games that facebook have in their site.

And tagging photos of my friends is so fun in Facebook! So before I go to bed at night, before I go to school and even lunch break, I always check my facebook! Well I think that makes me an addict user of facebook!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Traveling alone

I traveled to an unknown place for a couple of time and I just don’t' like it. I mean it could be just because of the type of place I go. The last time I went to this unfamiliar place, and I had to stay there for another day and night, that was not on my plan, I ended up renting into a lodging house or something, it was in the heart of a very busy city and hotels are full all the time and I just can't sleep on the streets, I spent too much by just going to a hotel to another hotel and to find out that they are full. It was so frustrating and I was so freaking tired that time, my feet was hurting so bad and I was hungry. A street boy helped me find a place to sleep, though it wasn't what I expected but at least it was enough for me to stay for the night, I didn't sleep at all, it was my worst nightmare.

So traveling alone is a great feeling for me but ending up in a very busy place where you just don't know where to go is just a nightmare. I guess, to avoid these things, you have to plan everything ahead.

Stick that on your power cord!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Unwanted text messages

Cellphones provide a better way to communicate with other people. I have my own cellphone and I like receiving messages from friends. I save in my inbox all messages which I find nice to read. But somehow, there are also messages which irritates me and I want to delete everytime I will read it.

For so many times I am experiencing receiving text messages which I think is not good. These are the unwanted chain messages that is being forwarded from one mobile phone to another mobile phone. It keeps on saying please pass this message to 5 of your friends or else you will have a badluck for 5 years and many of same kind also. It makes me angry especially if the condition written on the text is that if you not pass this message then your mother will die soon. And some also goes like this "if you love God, you must send this message to all of the people in your phonebook.

Sometimes I do no longer wants reading messages on my phone because most of the times, it was the kind of text I dislike the most. I keep telling on friends not to forward and believe on those but it seems they are afraid if they won't follow what is the instruction on the text. On my own opinion, continuously doing it is just a waste of money and time.

How about you? Are you receiving same text also just like what I am experiencing right now? What actions do you do with regard to those chain messages?

Saturday, July 23, 2011


I have 3 tattoos (and believe it or not, my dad doesn't know!) But I would really be ashamed to let him see them because I know how conservative he is and what he thinks of them.

Our culture today is more "anything goes" than it has ever been. What do you think of tattoos? Do you think they are trashy? Do you have a tattoo or would you consider getting one? Do you think SOME tattoos are distasteful? What kind of ink do you find offensive or are there any?

getting married because she's pregnant?

This is based on what is best for the child. Problem is, people tend to get so wrapped around themselves or the relationship because they're not yet fully mature or prepared. If you and your partner can make the relationship work out and keep it without resentments, yes, you should get married. I've seen it happen, it has worked out for the best for other families. If it will just hurt you, your partner, or your baby then don't- you must consider the effect of your relationship will have on the child.

Do you think it's a good idea to get married simply because you're pregnant?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Zip Your Mouth

Harsh Words, Profane language, and words of discouragement. Those are the words need not to be said. It will only destroy one's morale and may even lose one's self control.

If we cannot say a good words to a situation, the best thing we can do is just to keep our silence. If we cannot think of a right words to say, just zip our mouth. It will not help if we keep on criticizing those persons that needs our ears to listen.

Sometimes, Silence is good enough to console a friend. A sweet Hug can do so much for a troubled soul. It's being there when a friend or love one's need us. Our presence may mean a whole new hope and will strengthens a sorrowful heart.

Give it to every one who needs it. You do not have to go so far, just look at the person besides you. They might need a friend right now. Or a love one, they might need a shoulder to cry to. have a heart. share your blessings.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


I got to thinking about this today when my sister-in-law called to tell me she had her house. There was a moment, and I do mean a moment-flash second then my ego wanted to hijack my amigdula and cause me to be angry. I will say that in that split second of thought I smiled at myself for being the observer to what the ego was doing and soon it was sent on its way.

However, I've noticed that many people don't watch their thoughts, they believe they are their thoughts. In this, they tend to act out anytime someone around them gains success, is better at something then they are, or perhaps learn a new skill. My thoughts today are why should so many people be so jealous? What does it serve? What does it really get them? Why should they try to bring someone down who has been successful? Why not simply be happy for the other person's success?

Just some thoughts today, and I'd love to hear from you about your experiences and thoughts.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Unknowingly Hurt Feelings

Well most of us have come across this situation in some part of our personal or career lives, that unknowingly we hurt the feelings of a person, sometimes they may be our close pals.

Even in a fit of rage, i lost one of my good friends, though i did not want to lose my friend, but it happened. Some times i speak frankly and people misinterpret as arrogance, but some of my friends are empathetic, whom i will never wanna lose.

And i 'm always wary that i don't hurt any one's feelings.