Saturday, July 16, 2011


I got to thinking about this today when my sister-in-law called to tell me she had her house. There was a moment, and I do mean a moment-flash second then my ego wanted to hijack my amigdula and cause me to be angry. I will say that in that split second of thought I smiled at myself for being the observer to what the ego was doing and soon it was sent on its way.

However, I've noticed that many people don't watch their thoughts, they believe they are their thoughts. In this, they tend to act out anytime someone around them gains success, is better at something then they are, or perhaps learn a new skill. My thoughts today are why should so many people be so jealous? What does it serve? What does it really get them? Why should they try to bring someone down who has been successful? Why not simply be happy for the other person's success?

Just some thoughts today, and I'd love to hear from you about your experiences and thoughts.


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