Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Traveling alone

I traveled to an unknown place for a couple of time and I just don’t' like it. I mean it could be just because of the type of place I go. The last time I went to this unfamiliar place, and I had to stay there for another day and night, that was not on my plan, I ended up renting into a lodging house or something, it was in the heart of a very busy city and hotels are full all the time and I just can't sleep on the streets, I spent too much by just going to a hotel to another hotel and to find out that they are full. It was so frustrating and I was so freaking tired that time, my feet was hurting so bad and I was hungry. A street boy helped me find a place to sleep, though it wasn't what I expected but at least it was enough for me to stay for the night, I didn't sleep at all, it was my worst nightmare.

So traveling alone is a great feeling for me but ending up in a very busy place where you just don't know where to go is just a nightmare. I guess, to avoid these things, you have to plan everything ahead.

Stick that on your power cord!


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