Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Zip Your Mouth

Harsh Words, Profane language, and words of discouragement. Those are the words need not to be said. It will only destroy one's morale and may even lose one's self control.

If we cannot say a good words to a situation, the best thing we can do is just to keep our silence. If we cannot think of a right words to say, just zip our mouth. It will not help if we keep on criticizing those persons that needs our ears to listen.

Sometimes, Silence is good enough to console a friend. A sweet Hug can do so much for a troubled soul. It's being there when a friend or love one's need us. Our presence may mean a whole new hope and will strengthens a sorrowful heart.

Give it to every one who needs it. You do not have to go so far, just look at the person besides you. They might need a friend right now. Or a love one, they might need a shoulder to cry to. have a heart. share your blessings.


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