Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How has life changed after marriage?

I was wondering about the stuffs that my sisters used to do before marriage and how they have their priorities changed over the years. Most people grow and shift their focus, they have to for whatever reasons. If you ask me, it would be difficult to manage hours of internet time, me-time, the rendezvous with myself that get me going. But we lose some, we gain some. That is how life is!

from the perspective of a whole lot of friends who I have seen undergo a change.

As you have put it Mimi, the me-time in all respects internet,interests, lazing around all changes to quite an extent. It does not all stop, but gets considerably reduced. It changes to we-time.

Another thing I've noticed a distinct change are in basic habits, cleanliness, dressing sense. Guys I've know loved to be shabbily dressed, unshaven, room in a mess. All that has changed.

Some used to enjoy socializing, partying by themselves and with friends. It's changed to going about it as a couple or totally stopped.

While there is an equal acceptance on one side for change for the better, there are some who miss the single days. Some who longed to get married, now miss the things that they enjoyed being single and some who are single still, wonder at the the things that they should be enjoying together. Their thinking is always been that the grass is greener on the other side. But it's individual experience i guess, depending on the nature of the person and how they adapt to the concept of being in a relationship or married.

How has life changed after marriage or after being in a relationship? Do you miss things that you got to enjoy being single?


Sabra said...

Sometimes I do miss it being a very young mom. I had my children in High School, so my 'me-time' has been limited for almost 7 years. I have been with my husband now for almost 3 years and I now know that I would rather have the 'we-time'. I love it. I love to share experiences with him, he is my best friend. I do still enjoy going out and sometimes it feels like I never really got to do the single thing, but I know that in another 12 years, I will get all the me/we-time I can handle :)

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