Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Protect your baby's future

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of CryoCell International. All opinions are 100% mine.

Umblilical Cord Blood Banking is not something most new mothers think about. Is this a topic you need to worry about? How do I do it? Where does it go?

Let's start with: What is it? Cord blood is the blood that comes from the umbilical cord of a baby that has just been born. Cord blood contains a form of stem cells that are very new cells and are not designed to function in any specific way.

Cryo-Cell International, Inc. concluded that cord blood is a safe and effective treatment of over 75 diseases, and have been used in over 12,000 transplants worldwide. Cryo-Cell is the industry's family cord bank leader with more quality accreditations than any private cord blood bank.

Do I need to do this? If you have a family history of leukemia, lymphoma, sickle-cell anemia, or severe combined immune deficiency, you may want to think about this seriously. Your child and possibly other family members can benefit from the cord blood. If your family history is pretty clean, you may choose to donate your babies cord blood to unrelated persons as a gift in your child's name.

Come to think about it, Cryo-Cell and C'elle are both very meaningful gifts to be given away to those who you care about. To know more about this service, more information can be found here:

Visit my sponsor: Protect your baby's future


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