Friday, October 29, 2010

Ways to look younger than your age

Young people wants to look mature. While mature people wants to look young. I think it'll always be like that. Lol.

Here are some ways to look younger than your age:

  • Get an extra hour of sleep each night.
  • A woman's hands look younger when she wears rings and nail polish. (I didn't know that.)
  • Protect your neck. The neck is actually more prone to aging than the face.
  • Perfect your skin with foundation.
  • Bring youthful volume back to your hair.
  • Keep those pearly whites white.
  • Manage those dark circles under your eyes.
  • Hit the gym or take a walk.
  • For adult should sleep about 8 hours per day, if you sleep only 6 hours at night then you should have some nap time during the day.
  • Use natural products for your face and body to keep skin look young and less wrinkles.
  • Exercise at least 15 - 30 minutes per day.
  • Drink 8 cups of water per day.
  • Avoid drink an alcohol.
  • Relax and have some fun.
  • Think good.
  • Do meditation, if you can do meditation every day you will see a big result.
  • don't forget to watch make up from your face before you are going to bed.

But if you want to look older is so easy, just do everythings opposite from the above tips and you will look older within a few weeks or a few months. But if you sleep only 4 hours every night you will see that you look older within a week.

Can you share some tips as well?


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