Saturday, November 28, 2009

Religion & Relationship

In my opinion, religion matters a lot in any relationship. in the beginning a boy or girl feel that they can adopt the other's religion. but as they progress in their lives it stands up to create rifts between them. since the birth till we marry, we are used to the traditions parents follow. after marriage if the traditions change, if they have to follow new things, it goes against the deep rooted beliefs. slowly resentment sets in. they why way back our elders used to marry people from similar backgrounds, with same eating habits,same religion and status in society. these days they have disregarded every bit of those old methods with a misguided concept of they know better.

Just by knowing each other for a few days or a couple of years they think they understood each other inside out so they can live happily ever after.not true.not possible.any way nobody is going to listen to other's cautioning words.they want find it out in a painful way.


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