Sunday, November 1, 2009

6th sense

I am lucky that I have some sort of 6th sense with people and rarely is it wrong. I start off thinking and hoping that all people can be trusted and then as time passes I realize some cannot. There are those that make mistakes when then say things, saying one thing one day and another the next.

I'm a pleasant and cheerful and sharing everything with everyone, even those I'm not friends with. No-one gets my back up either - until they cheat and then I'm like a bull in a china shop! I go wild (lol) However I never offend. I say what I have to say until the person concerned either gives up or goes.

I may seem harsh at first but once you get to know me better. Well that's not for me to tell you now is it wink I might not be everyone's cup of tea but then some like coffee too..


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