Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I Collect

People tend to collect memorabilias of a particular stuff they really like. Usually it begins with purchasing something and then when one sees a different version, he buys it too. Before one knows it the purchases accumulate into so many and it becomes a collection. Many like coins and currencies, dolls, horses, matchboxes, comic books, etc.

When I was younger my Dad travelled a lot and he would always bring me a key chains from the place he visited. I have hundreds of them that I used to have hang to a cork wall. Don't have a cork wall in this house so they sit in a giant box in the basement. So I've pretty much stopped collecting them.

I also collected coffee mugs for awhile. That one is a little costly, takes up a lot of room and they didn't get used so I garage saled some of them and stopped collecting them.

Right now the only thing I collect is autographed books. When I meet an author I will purchase one of their books and have them autograph it. That is my newest obsession, which can be quite costly. But I don't meet authors very often... a couple of times a year.

I also collect any books. I am nuts about that. I don't have time to read all the books I have purchased through garage sales, second hand stores, book store sales, and the tons I got from my father's collection after he passed away. Probably about 200 unread books in this house. Will I ever read them all?


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