Saturday, November 28, 2009

Religion & Relationship

In my opinion, religion matters a lot in any relationship. in the beginning a boy or girl feel that they can adopt the other's religion. but as they progress in their lives it stands up to create rifts between them. since the birth till we marry, we are used to the traditions parents follow. after marriage if the traditions change, if they have to follow new things, it goes against the deep rooted beliefs. slowly resentment sets in. they why way back our elders used to marry people from similar backgrounds, with same eating habits,same religion and status in society. these days they have disregarded every bit of those old methods with a misguided concept of they know better.

Just by knowing each other for a few days or a couple of years they think they understood each other inside out so they can live happily ever after.not true.not possible.any way nobody is going to listen to other's cautioning words.they want find it out in a painful way.

Friday, November 27, 2009

A Concerned Citizen

I was in the grocery store today and there were two females, standing up at the end of the line where you check out. And one female was just saying all kind of things to the other female, un-mentionable things. Telling this female she was on crack, and she was calling Children services, on her because she leaves her child at home alone. She was going on and on with this and the other female wasn't saying anything.

I am saying to myself this is not the place for this. People were just starring at you all. Including myself.

I found out later that it was a family matter, the cashier that was waiting on me was the grand mother (she wasn't saying anything), the female that was doing all the talking and saying all those un-mentionable things was the mother of the person (famale) she was talking at (because she wasn't talking to her) this female was holding a baby about 6-8 months.

Later on the cashier that was waiting on me told another cashier to come and finish waiting on me and she went outside where the other two females had gone.

They had brought the family problem to the grandmother's job. After they all left and went outside the cashier that come to finish waiting on me said
the mother couldn't talk about the daughter because she was on drugs too.

I was glad to leave that place. I am so concerned and worried about the little baby. I wish I could get the baby and take care he/she myself. That child is being brought in an unstable environment.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I Collect

People tend to collect memorabilias of a particular stuff they really like. Usually it begins with purchasing something and then when one sees a different version, he buys it too. Before one knows it the purchases accumulate into so many and it becomes a collection. Many like coins and currencies, dolls, horses, matchboxes, comic books, etc.

When I was younger my Dad travelled a lot and he would always bring me a key chains from the place he visited. I have hundreds of them that I used to have hang to a cork wall. Don't have a cork wall in this house so they sit in a giant box in the basement. So I've pretty much stopped collecting them.

I also collected coffee mugs for awhile. That one is a little costly, takes up a lot of room and they didn't get used so I garage saled some of them and stopped collecting them.

Right now the only thing I collect is autographed books. When I meet an author I will purchase one of their books and have them autograph it. That is my newest obsession, which can be quite costly. But I don't meet authors very often... a couple of times a year.

I also collect any books. I am nuts about that. I don't have time to read all the books I have purchased through garage sales, second hand stores, book store sales, and the tons I got from my father's collection after he passed away. Probably about 200 unread books in this house. Will I ever read them all?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bad Day

How do you bound back from a bad day?...

Do you...

*have a long soak in a tub and eat a lot of ice cream?
*call up some friends and meet with them and share what's going on?
*hurry home and surf the net wherever your mood takes you online?
*just simply sleep and just normally wake up the next day


*you just simply accept reality that bad days do come visit once in a while?

How do you deal with bad days? How do you bounce back from it?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

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6th sense

I am lucky that I have some sort of 6th sense with people and rarely is it wrong. I start off thinking and hoping that all people can be trusted and then as time passes I realize some cannot. There are those that make mistakes when then say things, saying one thing one day and another the next.

I'm a pleasant and cheerful and sharing everything with everyone, even those I'm not friends with. No-one gets my back up either - until they cheat and then I'm like a bull in a china shop! I go wild (lol) However I never offend. I say what I have to say until the person concerned either gives up or goes.

I may seem harsh at first but once you get to know me better. Well that's not for me to tell you now is it wink I might not be everyone's cup of tea but then some like coffee too..