Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Computer Recovery Comes in Handy at the Last Minute

If you are working on an important assignment, such as a report or presentation for school or work, you know how important it is to save your documents. And while compiling your report, you will likely use the Internet for research and sources. However, one wrong click could completely wipe out your hard drive. If disaster strikes late at night, prior to a looming deadline, you could be in a world of trouble. Fortunately, a few options and suggestions exist to help prevent this from happening.

Computer Recovery
Depending on the damage to your hard drive, you could possibly use a computer recovery to find how much you lost. This will likely require a special CD or external drive. From there, attempt to retrieve any of the lost data or information. However, if you are not familiar with this process, consider calling technical support, so that you do not further damage your system. If time is not an immediate factor, consult an electronics professional.

Online Computer Repair
An option you may not even know exists is online computer repair, where technicians take a look at your system while you are at home. The way it works is you log into a secure site, and from there the technicians diagnose the problem. Obviously, a functioning hard drive and Internet connection are necessary, so this option works more in the event of a minor virus.

PC Repair
If your resources and money are limited, consider going to the electronics store. If covered under warranty, you should receive assistance for a low price, if not for free. Otherwise, you may want to consider a PC repair shop, which is sometimes cheaper than larger stores. Depending on the issue, you may be able to get your computer back within a day or so.

Backup Your Files
Backing up your files and documents to an external drive or USB flash drive is another way to keep important work in case of emergency. If something goes wrong, connect either drive to another computer, and try to retrieve what you can from there. Another option is to email files to yourself regularly, which you can retrieve from another machine, at work or school.

Anti-Virus Software
Outside of avoiding questionable sites or links, the easiest way to prevent malware from infecting your system is to download programs that block malware out. These software also alert you to any links that appear rogue. The key to keeping your machine safe is to run full scan on a regular basis.

Author is a freelance writer. For more information on online computer repair please visit

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